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Messages - xXwolf_hackerXx

Denied Staff / Apply for moderator.
January 20, 2013, 05:02:02 AM
I applied for Citizen meaning to apply for mod earlier... Sorry about that...

IGN: xXwolf_hackerXx
I've played on this server for about a month now but before at like 1.3 I think I used to play every once in a while.

I would like to apply for moderator because I go on this server alot now and I really want mob disguises and the custom prefix names ( ~BronyMod please) I am sorry for posting about Citizen! If I do not meet the requirements I would actually like to be a builder at least! I am really good at being moderator and I am on 2 other servers (I don't play on them as much as this one). It would be really cool to get modderator though... Here's my house again :3


Thank you!