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Messages - Deads

well that's what I get people to feel
hey everyone by now most people would have realized Im a Hacker/Modder and people may have realized that im a fag which I guess is true and I was bored one night and realized Benjahack was mod and I decided to have so fun and I have to admit it was funny until zlexy realized that is was me hahahahaha but now.... I feel pretty bad so if u could can u just IP Ban me and unban Benjahack cause that was a pretty dog thing to do so yea if u wanna just IP ban me and let him go bye fags (Still <3 Baroom)

SSpandabear, :o
Archived Reports / Add on th Blarno Having bedrock
February 28, 2013, 09:49:30 PM
Follow up on Blarnos report
Archived Reports / Blarno(Builder) Has Bedrock
February 28, 2013, 09:46:13 PM
I was playing minecraft and I saw blarno with a Bedrock hat /hat and he said it has 19 enchants
News / anvil glitched kaise plz can i have a new 1
February 19, 2013, 06:34:11 PM
please help
Denied Staff / DeadIce's Mod Application
February 15, 2013, 07:07:39 PM
Name:Alex Skeet-Hyde

In Game Name:DeadIce

Skype:I_like_random_stuff if you want me to change it then I am happy to

Hey Guys it me I am sure everyone knows me I would like to apply for the Moderator Rank on KCv2 I played on KCv1 for a short time before it closed down I play more then Regularly I play about 4-6 hours a day and I couldn't think of anybody who doesn't know me its my second time around a lot has changed I have been at a therapy class and am perfectly normal and I am having the best time in my life at the moment.

My activity before KaiseCraft was not a huge amount I played on BubbleCraft and Minecracked for a short while and became averagely known on Mdynamics I met Osama on that server and we became close friends after that.

My activity after I get of KaiseCraft is either go to school, go play my sport I choose which is Rugby Union or go to bed.

I am a decent person in the forums and can navigate them with ezzz and with be able to help support other players if they have any issues I don't believe I have made any enemies or person's of interest that have a problem with me I like to 'forgive and forget' if someone does anything to me I also have a knowledge of World Edit and World guard. 

I love KaiseCraft and if I have done anything in the past that has offended anyone then could you confront me and we can find a reasonable way to work out our problems and would love to be apart of the Moderator Team.
