
Forums are back up, but many custom plugins and theming has been lost. If I get the time, I'll try and fix it back up - Kaise123

Other:KCv2 Files are still available for download here ->

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Messages - rzantarra

I did try with a clean install and had the same problem. It only happens in single player, and I did some research.  Either the version that is with the client is an unofficial test one instead of the release one, but i'm not sure.  What i do know is that I found a video in which all one had to do was log in during a single player game and it fixed the problem.
Not sure if this is a game or a launcher problem, but i'm getting an animal bug where the wolves and the cats are spawning right onto of me and mobbing me. I've tried uninstalling and reinstalling using your launcher and run a fully modded set.  I also run three other mods, timber! Backpacks and Steve's Carts 2. Happens in Singleplayer, don't know about multi because I only played single player. Plus also had the launcher and the issue for the last 12 hours.