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Messages - xxxPrashxxx

Denied Staff / Staff application xxxPrashxxx
March 25, 2013, 07:35:03 AM
Hi I am XXXPrashxxx you may or may not remember me from earlier versions of this server in the past. However it is not Prash Param here. It's RubenTheCat414 i have also been in the earlier stages of the server. Since Prash is not using his Minecraft and has abandoned it, I have taken his place. FriendKiller96, an old staff member gave me his Acc. because he is awesome like that.
My skype is; Rubenthecat414
I enjoy helping others and answering any question they might have. I know how to create,Lock, Modify topics/posts. I am kind of familiar with BBCode
I have really good English skills but i may have some misspelling here and there but other than that it's all good.
I know how to use world edit the (//expand //replace //sphere) and residence /res protect but CoreProtect is kind of new to me.


I am a good builder too. I can help build any new spawn whenever.
I have been mod on other servers like this one (Rising Craft) Premium server.You can see my prefix in the chat

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Ray Gun (Shoots fireballs)