
Forums are back up, but many custom plugins and theming has been lost. If I get the time, I'll try and fix it back up - Kaise123

Other:KCv2 Files are still available for download here ->

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Messages - GummyGorila

Ill wait till they come online then
Wont let me post a pic :(

- Your In Game Name GummyGorila
-Why i want to be citizen i want to be citizen so that later on i can apply for builder to help out the server more than i could do as a guest.Also i want to be a citizen so that i can get more commands than a guest's commands
-What i could do as citizen: I can try and get more players online so that this server might get more achievements quicker. Also i am great with plugins and i have lots of experience because i have a premium minecraft account and i have been staff on multiple servers.
- How long you have played for I have Played for 4 days
- A picture (Preferably multiple) of your building.
Citizen Applications / GummyGorilas Application
May 15, 2013, 06:56:59 PM
- Your In Game Name (GummyGorila)
- How long you have played for 3 days
- A picture (Preferably multiple) of your building.