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Messages - jasmimbett

I was citizen and now i am guest again.... can you please repromote me back to citizen... :-\
Citizen Applications / Citizen application
May 23, 2013, 03:33:48 AM
Hi, my ign is jasmimbett.

I play in this server for two weeks.

I, Jijogoku and Dudamega built this house together.
This is the house seen from outside. We planted two giant mushrooms in the roof and built the outside farm on top of the animal farm. Those two towers( one in the front of the house and the other in the leftside of the house) are vigilance towers that begin in my room and Dudamega's room.You can also see the interior garden.
This is the outside farm.
This is my room.
This is the animal farm.Due to a server crash all the animals disapeared.
This is our mine seen from the mine entrance.
This is the library.
This is Dudamega's room.
And this is the interior garden.

I hope I get classified to citizen.