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Moderator application. (Just117) (no.2)

Started by Craizyd00d, April 21, 2013, 01:10:52 AM

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Antonio Devescovi

Just117 (changed from Craizyd00d)


My ability knowledge:
I don't really remember all but i remember:
Of worldguard i don't remember much:
//region define
//region addowner
//region flag
//region setparent
//region removeowner
All these i learn over youtube and i'm not done yet i have many more to learn but i am willing to do that.

I have been playing KaiseCraft for about 2  months now and i play for 4 hours a day,somethimes even more(on weekends up to 8 hours).I live in Croatia so my tome zone is kind of different so i am online when other moderator are not.There are many players from Croatia so i will be ablle to help them when no other staff is on.Summer is coming up so i will be on the computer even more and i guess there will be even more players.I don't really play much at survival because i really like to be creative and build stuff so being a moderator will make it easier for me to build and i will always be happy to help others.

Activity before Kaisecraft:
At first i started playing in a Croatian server which the name i don't remember but i wasn't a staff rank i was a Builder,after i started to play in Jessuocraft a month after it was opened,i got to the moderator rank so i learned to protect and some WorldEdit.I passed trought many server and i did not like them,i like Kaisecraft because it is really similar to Jessuocraft.

Old kaisecraft:
I'm sorry that i didn't have the opportunity to play at old Kaisecraft.But if it is important for the players i noticed that there are many players from Jessuo and i am the one of a few that suggested to play on Kaise on the facebook site of Jessuocraft which is still on.

Activity after kaisecraft:
Since i started to play on Kaise i didn't stop  I really like the server so i decided that i will stop looking for other servers and play ond Kaisecraft because the staff is very nice and it is a cool server.I really like the hunger games so if i get mod i might start some hunger games on kaise(if i get support of the other staff)

Forums knowledge:
I have no knowledge at forums because Jessuo had an Facebook "forum" so it's a little bit different on web pages.
i know that the applications need to be gramatically correct and it is not a joke it has to be serious.
I will be happy to comment on the posts for my Support and I won't be too strict.

I have a lot of friends on the server and i always give information when a "guest" asks
I like helping people and i never ignore anyone.I have a lot of friends and i sold a lot of houses for a really cheap price so i thing i have  positive toughts of other players on the server.I chat with a lot of people i always play together with my friends i invite a lot of my friends and we play together.I build houses together with people because i like building.I am never rude i just know to be annoying.I don't really grief,i got a report but it was not really me it was someone else that got into my acc and stole my god armor.I often join groups of people in a house because i like to be in company.

Additional Information:
I live in Fažana,Croatia i am 14 years old and i know how to speak English,German,Italian,Serbian and Slovenian.On the servers i know how to worldedit,protect,ban(if necessary) i can create and i have toomanyitems so it will be easier and i can help the staff for IP's of items.
I love helping people because i get bored when i just walk around i will be online a lot because i love playing,i am never "grounded" so i will always be able to play.I am a honored student that means i have a high report card so my parents allow me to play as long as i want.

ban report:
i know that many staff members will denie me because i got banned for griefing,but as i said before that was not me.That is the actual reason why i switched account.And if you guys don't believe me i am sorry.And since it happened a long time ago(when i started playing) so i will be really happy if you just forgive me.

my builds:
I made a lot of builds,made houses inside the mountain i know how to use redstone i paid very much for my World-res(Warp:World-res) and i have a really nice designs,i don't make box houses i make them like real houses.I made illusional

My account security:
I've had problems with security on my last account Craizyd00d but i have no more problems because i changed it all and i found out that it was my friend playing and he griefed without knowing it. I can make him say it to you if you want.

My Staff reputation:
I know that i am a bit boring and annoying so i know that will make an affection on this application but i hope you guys accept me because i really want to be one of the treasures Staff.

Additional:I use TeamSpeak with the other players so they can even ask me over there.
I just want to say again that my friend went into my account because i gave him the password when i started playing.This time i changed the password and i won't give it to anyone.I gave him the password because i tought i would not get such high standards and i am really sorry to the user that got griefed.This is my second application since the first one was denied :( i had to take a little "brake" because my PC got broken but i got it fixed a week ago and im playing again since.
I want to be a Moderator because i like helping people and i don't spend a lot of time in survival so i can help others when the other staff is busy,i won't lie even i somethimes won't be able to help because,well,i have to enjoy the game myself a little too don't you think? :D
Anyways being Moderator is a special rank for me because i was mod in Jessuocraft so i was really sad when the server shut down so i will be happy when i get my rank back :)
Thank you for reviewing! Hope you like it. And please accept me i will show you that i am capable of taking that responsability


This was better. You have the knowledge and you seems to be nice with other players. I'll give you my support, but if you get any other objections will I change my mind.

EDIT: No support, objection from a staff.


I believe that grief can be overlooked, but other than that, your app is nothing special, but this one is better than the last one

-So, for now, somewhat support

Signature by: TriickyzTrix


Well...I'm kinda neutral on this. Why do you want to be Moderator? Also, I noticed quite a few grammatical and capitalization errors, making it a bit tough to understand... I may support if you clean it up a bit and include your reasons, and I'm sure that doing this would convince some others to give you their support.


Quote from: Garen on April 21, 2013, 01:29:55 AM
Well...I'm kinda neutral on this. Why do you want to be Moderator? Also, I noticed quite a few grammatical and capitalization errors, making it a bit tough to understand... I may support if you flean it up a bit and include your reasons, and I'm sure that could gain you some support from others.

LOL the irony... *cough* i think you meant "Clean"

On a serious note:

You've been banned before for a grief and it hasn't been a month since your initial application (you made your first one on 5/4/2013)

No support



I don't want to argue,you are a mean person but i don't really care. :)


Now that it is better, I suppose I'll give my support.  :)


I've met you in-game you seem like an ok guy. So, I'll wait for others before supporting.


Quote from: Craizyd00d on April 21, 2013, 01:38:17 AM
I don't want to argue,you are a mean person but i don't really care. :)

Whom are you subjecting that to? And why?


For my experience in my denied apps

no support




Quote from: Craizyd00d on April 21, 2013, 05:50:30 AM
Quote from: Exi on April 21, 2013, 05:48:26 AM
No support. We need older staff imo.
Believe me i am mature enough

Personally i don't think you are mature enough as i have seen you spam people for support and whine when they say no.


I know I am not a mod, but you did not wait your one month waiting time between mod apps. However if you did wait I would support and you have also asked me to support on your previous app. No support.
-Because I'm Batman


The reasons all the other staff members have given.