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Mono's app for Mod >.<

Started by Monochromicorn, April 22, 2013, 01:12:13 PM

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 ;D Hey! Mono here  ;D

Name: Angelo Ball

IGN: Monochromicorn

Skype (I don't use it much): asian_boy302

Activity: I've played on this server for almost 4 months and I am currently a Builder on this server and I play up to 9 hours a day (actually I do). I haven't played on the old server and I was not white-listed to be on this sever before it became public.

Activity Before KaiseCraft: Well, before I played on this server, I have played on lots of other servers like MineBuilders and IceCraft. But the server I was going on the most was BubleCraft. I think some of the people on this server has been on Bublecraft. After around 2 years of playing, BubleCraft got hacked and they had to shut it down which led me to here KaiseCraft.

Forums Knowledge: I know all the basic commands of the forums since i've been on the BubleCraft forums for a long time. I know how to lock, create (of course) and delete posts (like spam).

Reputation: People on this server think of me like a nice person. I can be scary at times (cause my sister goes on) but most of the time, I am really nice. I also enjoy helping other mods build their houses and help them collect materials.

Additional Information: I a 11 years old from Sydney, Australia. I mostly speak English even though I am Filipino and Chinese. I know some commands of World Edit (some people call W.E) and World Guard. I really like helping people use these commands on different servers so i would like to help people use it on this server. I believe that I should get Mod on this server.

Hope you accept >.<
It doesn't matter if you don't accept me. (I'll just be sad ;-;)

8) Mono Out !  8)


Mono, your app needs more information.Look at other Moderator app's,mostly accepted ones to give you an Idea on what to add, without copying of course.  Here is an example done by Beast,193.0.html. All in all beef up your application, or you wont get accepted. Good luck.  :)

Michael Bublé

For the record, bublécraft was not shut down because of a hacking attempt but a number of unrelated factors namely time and technical issues.

Regarding your application, thank you for taking the time to do so however you do not provide us with any compelling reason to make you a moderator on KaiseCraft and maturity appears to be an issue as we are looking for staff that understand the responsibility handed to them.
Your understanding of WorldEdit and especially, WorldGuard, seems to be limited and you would benefit from gaining more experience whether it be through single player editing or perhaps donating for a rank which includes the ability to WorldEdit.