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Revanger's Moderator App

Started by Revanger, May 23, 2013, 07:02:03 PM

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[Moderator] Application by Revanger
Hey Guys!

Full name:
Eric Connoly

Eh yeah...there have been few misunderstandings about my age 'cause an Moderator on old KcV1 did not belived me about it so he spread a rumor that i'm a lier but nevermind... My real age is 19


Currnet rank:

Well i have to be honest i haven't been online whole past month because i was busy i didn't played minecraft at all... but know i solved my problems and im back to minecraft and KcV2... I am now often online and i am working on my big town project again...(find my topic in "Others" section i'm looking for helpers)...

Activity before KcV2?:
When KcV1 fallen down i moved to another server call ExtremeCraft i did not got any really good rank i buyed VIP but than i got bored and i moved on another server called Firecraft and i earned myself Senior Moderator rank because i helped them to get server even more popular and i helped people on server a lot... i advertised server on my CoD4 and CoD4 websites and forums and it became very popular 'cause many of CoD4 and CoD2 peoples are playing Minecraft!
One day Owner came and said that he can't pay anymore and server shuted down... i started to look for another server and than i seen KcV2 is coming up! so i decided to move back!

Ah... here is not much to say except that English is not my first language, but i had great english teacher during my elementary and high school! I did my best to learn it and i think i know it good enough to communicate with people without any bigger problems... :)

This is on other people to decide how much i am good... 'cause only i can say is that i built my reputation on KcV1 with people but most of those people are gone (there are still some of them) and now when KcV2 came my reputation is about 65-75% it's not so shiny and it's low because i made big mistake and i argued with moderator because i overreacted and i was stupid...So yeah there's not much to say about it either...

People i have met:

Additional informations:
My name is Eric Connoly i live in Croatia, small country in Central Europe... my time zone is GMT +1. I'm mature but sometimes i can overreact and get mad for no reason but that dosen't happen often...I've past elementary school with B and high school same...I am playing Minecraft since Beta 1.8.1 and i'm big fan of it... i spend about 5 hours a day on it...I started to play Multiplayer when 1.9 was out and guess what? my first server was KcV1!

Why i want to become Moderator?:
I want to be Moderator because it is an honor to serve to KcV2 as Moderator and i really like to help people around... When i'm bored i go on server and i am seeing people asking for help but there is nothing i can do 'bout it and i would really like to do something...I know how to use WorldEdit, WorldGuard and CoreProtect (i'l post commands) because i have all that on my own server, and i also studied BBCode well. Also i am working on a town project which is quite big and it would be done faster...but those are not the only reasons...I would also like to become Moderator to show you guys that i'm not bad guy as i represented myself on a begining of KcV2...
I would like you to see that i can normally communicate with KcV2 community and that i will be good staff... I would really be glad to help KcV2 Community and to get a chance from all of you guys!

Commands i learned:

/remove above
/remove below

/region tp
/region del
/region parent
/region update
/region list
/region flag
/region claim
/region select
/stoplag -c
/worldguard reload
/worldguard report
/worldguard version

[spoiler]/res expand
/res create
/res protect
/res pset
/res flag
/res defauly
/res tp
/res limits
/res area list
/res area install
/res give
/res message
/res renamearea
/res seubzone
/res give
/res select vert
/res select expand
/res select chunk

[spoiler]/co inspect
/co lookup
//co purge
/co rollback
//co restore[/spoiler]

Thanks for reading and see you soon! Hope il get a chance :)
We're Anonymous,
We're Legion,
We do not forgive,
We do not forget,
Expect us.
Respect Existance or Expect Resistance


I like this app you deserve Mod rank you can have my support



I don't support you because I don't think you're ready for this rank. Also you've made some spelling mistakes in your application and I don't think you've provided enough information. I don't like the extensive use of '...' either.
Also, if you would be accepted, we would invite you for a voicechat so we'll know if you are as old as you say.


I personally don't see you capable given the role of a Moderator. The way you have written this Application with repetition of the word 'i' shows that your English is not up for perfection. And as Exi said you've just went over board with the amount of 'Ellipsis' used.