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Trigga52's Mod Application [3rd]

Started by Trigga52, June 03, 2013, 12:51:36 AM

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Niko Lupo



I sadly didn't find out that kaise123 made another server till February, at the time i was taking a brake from minecraft and since i join KCv2 i have been fully dedicated for months and to this server a only. 

Activity before Kaisecraft:
I was taking a brake, but before my brake i ran 2 of my own servers (Sbknamics & TriggaCraft) then when i closed i became Co-Owner on GodCraft, Regal Realms and admin on several servers.

Old Kaisecraft:
My IGN was Trigga52 and I played for 1 1/2 years. I had the rank of Mod for about 8 months in and recieved the rank of Sr.Mod. This was the first time i was staff on the server.

Activity after Kaisecraft:
I continue play on Mdynamics thinking kaise123 would return but once he didn't, the owners brought in new staff and kicked me to the curb which led me to opening my own server for several months.

Forums Knowledge:
I was a Forum Manager on the GodCraft & PvPBulge forum. I know all basic of Moderatoring for the forums( any type). 

I'm well known by lots of players from both old Kaisecraft, GodCraft, Regal Realms, My Servers & etc. I am very active on minecraft and i could be a major help to the KCv2 community just like i was on the old kasiecraft.

Additional Information:
I'm 15 years old and I live in New York, USA. I'm great with most of the commands, which include, World Guard, LogBlock, World Edit, Residence and etc. I can be called an old dog at Minecraft (played for over 2 years). I have a hobby of helping people both in the Minecraft community and in real life at school. Having worked on multiple servers as either Owner, Co-owner, Moderator, Sr.Mod or Administrator, I believe I have the ability and experience of becoming a Moderator on KCV2.



Has only been 2 weeks since your last mod app. You've been banned before for a long period of time and the app is generally short and poor.

--Application denied--
"The healthy human mind doesn't wake up in the morning thinking this is its last day on Earth. But I think that's a luxury, not a curse. To know you're close to the end is a kind of freedom, good time to take... inventory."


Also may i add please do not lie. On old KaiseCraft you were not Moderator and Sr Mod for 8 months. I knew the small Mod base of ServerCraft/KaiseCraft when it was faily new (People such as BBgun, Bri, Sab, Woody, Einar, Soap etc) and when i became staff in March 2012 i never saw you be a mod or sr mod and i was there until the server got shut down and handed over MDynaics.