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James moderator application

Started by ~James123~, June 06, 2013, 09:26:08 AM

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James Love



I'm on the server a lot usually about 4-5 hours a day after school. I've been on the server for about 4-5 months. Besides doing after school activity's I'm almost always on the server. I was off the server for about a month due to personal reasons. I am also now access to team speak so now I will be on that a lot. I am always on skype unless I'm out of town or something

Activity before kaisecraft:
Before kaisecraft I played in single player mode because I was not well known with playing on a multiplayer server.

Old kaisecraft:
Unfortunately I did not ever play on the old kaisecraft, or have any knowledge on it.

I am very well known with world edit because I was elite which allows having access to it. With coreprotect I can easily do research on it and learn all the commands and the same with worldguard.I also know how to create,lock, and modify topics and post. I do understand bbcode.

I'm am very well liked by some of the staff and other players. I don't get easily mad, my patience is very good. There was an incident where I "greifed" but it was just a mistake I have never been banned or have I never greifed, there hasn't been a time where someone didn't like me (or they just didn't tell me). I've been told I'm a very good people person and I actually like talking to other people.

Additional information:
I'm a 14 year old guy (which Zlexy said go ahead and apply), I live in a small town in Florida, The only language I speak is English I spend my free time playing on kaisecraft or doing after school activities. As I'm only 14 I plan on going into biomedical engineering at UCF.

Why I want this Rank:
I want this rank because I really love helping people, My goals are to get higher and higher ranks so the only rank higher than an Elite is a moderator. Also I'm sometimes on when other moderators are not on, so when there is a conflict I want to be able to handle that conflict right there, not have to make a post on the forum

Core Protect:

[spoiler]/co help
/co inspect
/co rollback u:<user> t:<time> r:<radius> a:<action> b:<blocks> e:<exclude>
/co restore u:<user> t:<time> r:<radius> a:<action> b:<blocks> e:<exclude>[/spoiler]

World Edit:

World Guard:
/stoplag –c
/region claim
/region define
/region info
/region list
/region remove
/region addmember
/region addowner

So I hope you have enjoyed reading my moderator application and I hope I get accepted


I have seen you on a lot in minecraft and you always seem like a nice guy. I have never seen you lose your temper and you seem very mature even though as you said you are 14. Your app was mediocre but seeing how good you are in game....


Haven't seen you on the server before, probably because of different time zones. Your application seems small in size and lacking in information. We are also currently looking for Moderators 15 years or older.

-No Support


i've seen you a lot on the server, but the rule says that you need to be 15 or older.

- No Support



But you will get denied because of the age  :'(



I said it was ok for you to apply, but your chances of becoming mod would be greatly decreased. I know you're turning 15 this year, which is the only reason why i advised you to apply. However, your app just doesnt live up to the standard that we look for.

No support
"The healthy human mind doesn't wake up in the morning thinking this is its last day on Earth. But I think that's a luxury, not a curse. To know you're close to the end is a kind of freedom, good time to take... inventory."


I think it's safe to say this is a deny, buddy. Personally, I wouldn't have minded having you on the team; your application, as stated above, just doesn't fit the forte. Take the month+ to rewrite your application to the best you can! Make sure to leave it all one font size, as well as eliminate spaces ;) (I'd advise taking/waiting a little longer to apply again, maybe when August rolls around, it'll increase your chances a little bit)

Behalf of 3 non-supporting admins: