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I want to be Citizen please

Started by razzer120, June 20, 2013, 03:50:37 PM

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Hi kaise :)

My IGN: razzer120
I have played for 4 days
And i have build a modern house.
reson why i want to be a CITIZEN: because i want to help each other to build and i want to make the server to become a modern city. Please Trust me i can make the server to be a big city, step by step.


wCMqA.png" border="0Outer view from my house

MncDZ.png" border="0View from my living room

GgWsB.png" border="0My kitchen

ZsSlF.png" border="0My bedroom

0pd2.png" border="0And this is my wardrobe room

ok thats it for the photos.


Please provide a reason why you want to become a Citizen.



Saw your modification to your app and nice house! Accepted. :)