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My Application To be Citizen

Started by MrAzzCraftLP, June 20, 2013, 02:57:34 PM

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- IGN = MrAzzCraftLP
- I have played for 4 days
- A picture (Preferably multiple) of your building.

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Reason : I want to be Citizen because i want to help peoples build their home and also i will build some cool things and a more big house. And thanks...

IGN : MrAzzCraftLP
Rank : [Engineer] Next Will be Mod i think :)
Name : Andy Rio
I Like KCv2!!!
I Like TeamExtreme!!!
And Hey There I am from Planet Minecraft! :D

Subscribe SkyDoesMinecraft!!!!


Please provide a reason of why you want to become a Citizen.



Quote from: yellow on June 21, 2013, 09:59:12 PM
Your app is not that good but i think it is acceptable.
1. Stop replying to every post.
2. Staffs decision, not yours


Your other application was already approved.
