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My Application for Builder :D

Started by MrAzzCraftLP, July 04, 2013, 10:53:04 PM

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Hello Everyone :D this is my application for Builder!  :)

- My IGN : MrAzzCraftLP
- I have played for 1 month.
-My McMMO Level is 149
-Reason : I want to be a Builder because I want to spawn something...Give People stuff. And Also help people/My friend build Their Home bigger, and i also love to make a resort buildings :D
-And i have build my resort House and Hotel. This is the picture :D

8H2N3.png" border="0This is my resort Home

ik5sG.png" border="0

NILWj.png" border="0The living room

wPuhM.png" border="01nd floor

rlUH.png" border="0The Kitchen

Thats my resort house :D
And this is my Hotel :)

BqJAa.png" border="0My Hotel from outside

7O4hi.png" border="0From up

3DOgE.png" border="0The Lobby

That's all :D. Hope you accept my Post and thanks :D

IGN : MrAzzCraftLP
Rank : [Engineer] Next Will be Mod i think :)
Name : Andy Rio
I Like KCv2!!!
I Like TeamExtreme!!!
And Hey There I am from Planet Minecraft! :D

Subscribe SkyDoesMinecraft!!!!


Bare minimum tho

And yeah, don't spawn items for lower ranks
Quote from: MrAzzCraftLP on July 04, 2013, 10:53:04 PM
Give People stuff.

Signature by: TriickyzTrix