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Moderator Application

Started by My Shoe Wanker, July 13, 2013, 11:28:24 PM

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My Shoe Wanker

Matty/Mathew Wang (Chinese name for all my brethren out there: 龙飞



Mathew.Wang13 (The 13 does not mean I am 13, as Zlexy thought. It means I created my account in 2013)


Activity on KCv2:
I am currently an Elite and am proud. I have played on this server since the start of this year, which compared to my friend and other few players, is a long time.
I joined in February and have kept playing since. I joined as the default rank, Guest, of course and people treated me really nicely seeing how I was guest. The most remembered person that helped me the most, was HanSolo although I don't see him much anymore now.
After a while I joined, I applied for the rank of citizen. I was fairly experienced in making applications for a rank up as I have done it before in another server I played on. Once I applied for citizen and was at that rank for a month, I went and applied for another rank. Builder. I probably applied for builder at around May or April. After that, I kept as builder since at that time, Builder was the highest rank available. After maybe a month or 2 I found out there was a third rank. Engineer. So then I applied for that and got accepted, and changed my nick and all that. I was very happy that I was one of the first five to have gained the rank of engineer. Later on, I donated and became a VIP, then an Elite. So now, I roam, like a Lion ~ Happily as an Elite.

Before KCv2:
Before Kaise, I have played on another server named CryptCraft, or more known by two letters; CC. I played on CC for 2 years, in which, gained the rank of moderator. I learnt lots of moderating commands from that server and rank, however if you were to ask me to use them now, I'll be stumped as that rank and server was years ago.

Old KCv1:
I have never played or even visited the old server as I was still busy moderating the other server. I only found out about this server, currently on a server website.


Reason for Applying:
I have applied for this rank several times as it has been denied. Today, I want to apply again and make this application the best I have ever made so far. I have used Miyu/AiriSchwartz's accepted application as a guide. The reason I apply for this rank is because, I personally, think I have what it takes to help, moderator, and generally just be this rank.
I was a Moderator in the old server I played on, and currently, my Commands are a bit rusty. If I were to be this rank, then I could and would re-learn how certain commands were used. I could do a bit of research and learn some more. I am currently learning what some worldedit commands do, as I am elite and must know these things.

Why I Should Become A Moderator:
I think I should become moderator because well, I think I have what it takes. I have usually been online to witness events such as, when a player gets mad that there is no mod to privatise/protect their build, and they go rage. I try and help them, with residence, but then they still go rage, because they want only a moderator to do it.

Commands: (I know these commands but not as familiar as how they work - I know how a few works)
[spoiler] (click to show/hide)
/region define <name>
/region addowner <name of region> <player to add as owner>
/region removeowner  <delete player from region>
/region addmember <add player to build>
/region removemember <delete players permissions>
/stoplag -c
/co inspect
/co rollback
/res create
/res select expand
/res protect
/res create

Forum Knowledge:
I know a great deal on BBcode and how to lock and to remove topics. I don't think there is much to say about this. I know a medium amount of knowledge on this, so this, is something I wouldn't be worrying about.

Additional Information:
I am turning 16 in less than a week. I live in Sydney Australia, Like ParagonGX.


Sorry for doing this, but I must be honest with you:

-Lieing about your age.

-Not telling who you are.

-Weird use of colors.

-Your behaviour in-game is not the best, and your also not that active.

-You have been applying for staff in many forums, and when your denied in that one, you chose another server:

Sorry mate, but your behaviour and the reasons I mentioned make me give you a no support.

One more little thing I saw which makes me see that you lie alot as well:

[spoiler]Name: Michael Johnson[/spoiler]

This is your name in the Lucreations server staff application.

And over here, your name is:

Matty/Mathew Wang [/spoiler]

I think there's a difference between Michael Johnson and Matthew Wang? Please prove me wrong if you can, but this gives me another reason to no support. Especially when you lied about your age, which I can show you:

Lucreations Server:

[spoiler]Age: 18[/spoiler]

Over here:



-- No Support.

From what I see, you do lack quite a bit of maturity. You have some growing to do.

No hard feelings.


No support either
I suggest you sort out your ego before you apply on any server. Grow up a bit and loose the liar attitude.


Quote from: DEADShotMartini on July 14, 2013, 04:15:53 AM
No support either
I suggest you sort out your ego before you apply on any server. Grow up a bit and loose the liar attitude.

"The healthy human mind doesn't wake up in the morning thinking this is its last day on Earth. But I think that's a luxury, not a curse. To know you're close to the end is a kind of freedom, good time to take... inventory."


I originally encouraged you and explained why you were immature and how you could help yourself and get the rank. You did improve considerably after our conversation however you have recently declined some way back into your old ways, by constantly asking stupid questions and not taking initiative to do things yourself, and instead asking me. Your enthusiasm for this rank is noted however, I still don't think you are ready for it. You are almost so excited about wanting to get it that you miss out on the key things that are important, And the lying/changing of your age is also another thing that is still lingering.
Skype: kaiwaugh1
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Please VOTE for KCv2 here:

MC Client:

Web hosting kindly provided by Darkfire


~No Support

1. You are too inactive. 
2.You are not mature because i saw you in game you were not mature.
3.Your app is too short.

My Shoe Wanker

I have grown back into my old habits. I think I would just have to become mature through my days.

Do not bring the Lucrations server into this. I never take other servers into account when I still play the server I play on. I lie about many things. Why? Because there is always a danger that someone may be a stalker or worse. A Murderer. So I always choose names carefully and my age carefully. Like here for example. I came in here, lying about my age. What if, I didn't and something just MIGHT of happened? So please, don't bring Lucrations into this.

Zlexy & DeadShotMartini
Zlexy, I understand my lying, but I've stopped it now. I've confessed everything I need to confess so there is nothing else you can get out of me.
DeadShot, please explain on my ego because I'm sure I could change it in a few days, as I don't think I have much of one.

I am not inactive. It may be because we have different time zones, so we don't see each other. and, just a side note, I have never seen you before so I don't understand how you could've seen me in-game once.
My application may be short, but i reckon it has the information you guys need and want to read.


Quote from: (Matty) on July 14, 2013, 11:07:08 AM
I have grown back into my old habits. I think I would just have to become mature through my days.

Do not bring the Lucrations server into this. I never take other servers into account when I still play the server I play on. I lie about many things. Why? Because there is always a danger that someone may be a stalker or worse. A Murderer. So I always choose names carefully and my age carefully. Like here for example. I came in here, lying about my age. What if, I didn't and something just MIGHT of happened? So please, don't bring Lucrations into this.

Zlexy & DeadShotMartini
Zlexy, I understand my lying, but I've stopped it now. I've confessed everything I need to confess so there is nothing else you can get out of me.
DeadShot, please explain on my ego because I'm sure I could change it in a few days, as I don't think I have much of one.

I am not inactive. It may be because we have different time zones, so we don't see each other. and, just a side note, I have never seen you before so I don't understand how you could've seen me in-game once.
My application may be short, but i reckon it has the information you guys need and want to read.

Side Note: This arguing with people will get me nowhere, so from this post on, I'll just look at the replies and not answer.
I am online most of the time on this server like all time and i have seen you one time in game which you were too immature


Quote from: (Matty) on July 14, 2013, 11:07:08 AM
Do not bring the Lucrations server into this. I never take other servers into account when I still play the server I play on. I lie about many things. Why? Because there is always a danger that someone may be a stalker or worse. A Murderer. So I always choose names carefully and my age carefully. Like here for example. I came in here, lying about my age. What if, I didn't and something just happens.

That's the thing, if you are so threatened by people killing you how can anyone be sure that this your real name and we don't even know your age, how can there be a staff member who literally tells that I lie alot and I may keep on lieing because people may stalk me and kill me.

My Shoe Wanker

Leon, you did not read my entire reply.

QuoteZlexy & DeadShotMartini
Zlexy, I understand my lying, but I've stopped it now. I've confessed everything I need to confess so there is nothing else you can get out of me.
DeadShot, please explain on my ego because I'm sure I could change it in a few days, as I don't think I have much of one.

I've confessed all I need to. Why? because I have played on this server and occasionally eyed some people here. I believe no-one is a killer or anything. so I confessed. If I wasn't sure, I wouldn't of confessed and most likely left this server. but i haven't,


Quote from: (Matty) on July 14, 2013, 12:05:14 PM
Leon, you did not read my entire reply.

QuoteZlexy & DeadShotMartini
Zlexy, I understand my lying, but I've stopped it now. I've confessed everything I need to confess so there is nothing else you can get out of me.
DeadShot, please explain on my ego because I'm sure I could change it in a few days, as I don't think I have much of one.

I've confessed all I need to. Why? because I have played on this server and occasionally eyed some people here. I believe no-one is a killer or anything. so I confessed. If I wasn't sure, I wouldn't of confessed and most likely left this server. but i haven't,

So you are indirectly saying that when you lied, you thought we were killers? That's quite humorous as well as weird. Anyway, that's no proof of you saying the truh. I'll not argue any further ill let the admins decide this.

My Shoe Wanker

Quote from: LeonMundt (Gunner) on July 14, 2013, 12:21:53 PM
Quote from: (Matty) on July 14, 2013, 12:05:14 PM
Leon, you did not read my entire reply.

QuoteZlexy & DeadShotMartini
Zlexy, I understand my lying, but I've stopped it now. I've confessed everything I need to confess so there is nothing else you can get out of me.
DeadShot, please explain on my ego because I'm sure I could change it in a few days, as I don't think I have much of one.

I've confessed all I need to. Why? because I have played on this server and occasionally eyed some people here. I believe no-one is a killer or anything. so I confessed. If I wasn't sure, I wouldn't of confessed and most likely left this server. but i haven't,

So you are indirectly saying that when you lied, you thought we were killers? That's quite humorous as well as weird. Anyway, that's no proof of you saying the truh. I'll not argue any further ill let the admins decide this.
All right. Let me say everything thats true about me that I haven't already included and have included in the application.

-My name is Mathew Wang
-I am 15 years old
-I have 2 sisters.
-I live in Sydney, Australia
-I live in a Villa.
-I am 1.7 metres tall.
-I weigh around 50 kg.
-Proof of me being 15: [spoiler]Right side is my sister. Do not worry about that. The left one is me.[/spoiler]


You lie too much and you are too immature.