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AiriSchwartz & Bunni4Life

Started by My Shoe Wanker, July 10, 2013, 08:49:12 PM

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My Shoe Wanker

AiriSchwartz: Miyu
Bunni4Life: Bunni
Have both been very helpful as soon as they became mod. They have not helped me but I have heard lots of good compliments from other players such as - Owl_King and Black_Panther768.
I do not know whether they are only putting on a show to impress people or that they really are helpful, but, one thing for sure is, they will make a very impressive "girl duo".
~Comment from Owl_King
Bunni was very helpful to me when my house got a bit griefed. She came and used a command to fix it. She is a very good mod. Other mods didn't help me because they were too busy talking in chat.
~Comment from Black_Panther786
Miyu helped me make a home because I just joined and got citizen, and Miyu also invited me into her faction which was peaceful so I am very happy.

These two cheerful comments are very nice, and, in my opinion, Bunni and Miyu should be very proud of themselves seeing how many people enjoy them being moderators.