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Citizen Application

Started by killermajaro, September 04, 2013, 07:41:27 PM

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Hey CustardSquare here .. just applying for citizen rank! I've been on the server for around 3 days though i was on the previous one for over a month anywho my reasons being for wanting the rank is most likely the same as anyone else.. that being wanting to join survival though i would also lurk back to main to add onto the region around my home and more and help others if possible.. so well anywho :} here are some screenshots and i apologize if it's a tad hard to see and if you'd like to actually go to it then it's at < +13 -363 69 >

This is one of 2 bedrooms near identical.
Storage/lounge-ish main room
My Crops..
Another somewhat main room though it's a little empty or well boring..
Somewhat of an attic though currently holding the horsies... they love magical floating hay and stories on rainy days -cough- anyways..
Deck because heck why not?
BBQ sorta gathering area..?
I'm hungry and that meat in my face doesn't help.
Well at night water falls down as you can see.. thanks to the help of solar panels i love em! and the purpose of this? keep them zombies away from knocking at my door... and eh just cause..
Unfortunately i didn't take picture of the inside of the underwater room as it's not fully completed i was planning on adding maybe 2-3 more rooms maybe though somewhat halted it for now? most likely a library, brewery , portal room?

Anywho i shall hope to hear from you soon!! if it's not good enough? well tough luck for me i suppose..


Excellent Citizenship application and I'm approving it on the spot.

I've been at your place already, visiting, and I must say you've got a nice place being built.
