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Hello,im new here.

Started by shuff, September 27, 2013, 12:33:19 AM

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Hey everybody,i am new on this server,i am using my cousin's account[shuff]because I don't have an email to make an account for me,i will make it soon,so now,here is my citizen application.
IGN:JediKnight[the j and the k with caps lock]
How long I have played for:For about 2 days.
Reason:Well,i heard that citizens+can go to the survival world,and they can spawn stuff.
I enjoyed playing on this server,which has an awesome community and awesome players,like raperv26,raperv gave me wood to build my house,and he was very friendly to me :)
I have built a small house today,thank you and have a nice day :)
If the pictures that I posted aren't very clear,you can go and check my house by doing /res tp JediKnight,i protected it with residence.


--------- DENIED.

You have to make it using your own account, as this way we can be sure nobody else made the application for you.

As soon as you can register and make an app with your own username, you'll be more than likely accepted right away. :)