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My First Staff Application

Started by CaStRoLkO155, September 30, 2013, 08:27:02 PM

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Andy Rio



Sorry for this Skype is forbidden in Kuwait.

Before KaiseCraft:
Nothing is Before KaiseCraft for me, KaiseCraft is the first server I've Played, i just registered on the server with the IGN 'blacksmith1902' i also forgot that name. I also got so many friends Before KaiseCraft like gorden, n4 and etc... I forgot my friends name, but That's ok and Before KaiseCraft i make my own server called BlackPanther and it was not Hosted or Port Forwarded, after a few week i found out how to port forward a minecraft sever, but i cannot host it because it's pay, So When it's finally hosted, i advertise peoples into my new server and he can just joined the game and i was just happy because i know how to port forward a server. But sadly my Administrator User was hacked by an Unknown Program, i was just want to download Jailbreak and it's hacked. So i only using standard user at the moment. :(

After KaiseCraft:
After KaiseCraft I found 3 servers called JessuoCraft, TeamExtreme and LavaCraft! it was a fun server too, but KaiseCraft is better because we just need to pay for Elite if we want to buy it, and Moderator is free in this server... Just to make a nice post and it will be accepted/denied. So I will never come to any awesome server after kaisecraft i always Love KaiseCraft, Everyone are nice person and helping each others, but sometime there are a bad guy on KaiseCraft whoever getting banned. And After KaiseCraft i start learning about WE,WG,CP and Residence, the one teaching me this all are only from KaiseCraft, I really like KaiseCraft :D


World Guard:
[spoiler]//expand vert
/region define
/region redefine
/region list
/region info
/region setowner
/region addmember
/region remove <player>[/spoiler]

World Edit:

Core Protect:
[spoiler]/co help
/co inspect
/co rollback u:<user> t:<time> b:<blocks> e:<exclude> r:<radius>[/spoiler]

[spoiler]I've never used res anytime, just sometime when i need it, but here it is...
/res create
/res select expand 255
/res remove
/res confirm
/res rename
/res tp
I just know this, I always use World Guard on my server  ;D[/spoiler]
I Didn't copy any commands from anything, I make it my own self :D

My Reason to be Mod:
I really want to be a moderator so i can help another staff on finding the griefers or anything else... If I deserve this rank i would really say thank you to the on who accepted me :), and i should stop the fighting or the griefers if I am a staff, because this is my problem as i would like to get this rank so much. And I also like to give peoples plot in a town, I wouldn't use too much World Edit because it cause a big lag. And if i am a staff i will protect someone else house because everyone just need Moderator+ to protect their houses, buildings and etc... I really want to become a staff, so that i can learn more WE,WG, and everything :D. If someone grief player house, this will be my problem to fix the house and protect that house, I would like to help the server alot :).

I am just an I.G.C.S.E student from Indonesia IGCSE is a college in Kuwait and i born in Indonesia, but i live in Kuwait alone with my brother. My families are all in Indonesia and i live in Kuwait for 3 years so i live in Indonesia for 5 years, but idk i am not sure. I go to America for 1 time because i need to do like training about like presentation... Well, I am living in America just for 3 days because i am waiting for the plane to come back to my Country. Well, this is all about me, it shouldn't be so long :)

So.. This is my First Staff applications for this account, and Thank you for your time to read it :)
~Sorry For the fight of razzer120 and AiriSchwartz, and I think i make Airi really angry and i am soooo sorry :) I promise never do this account to you, airi. And i know it's hurt

Hope i get accepted and see you! :D
~Smiley Face :D


Cast,i just don't want to offence you,but first,this isn't the first time you apply,second,you keep copying paragraphs from the accepted staff applications.and your application is lacking a LOT on informations.
-No support


No support.

I remember you got offended because someone called you "MrAssCraft".


AKA me
But for the same reason,



Quote from: shuff on September 30, 2013, 11:51:07 PM
Cast,i just don't want to offence you,but first,this isn't the first time you apply,second,you keep copying paragraphs from the accepted staff applications.and your application is lacking a LOT on informations.
-No support
Lol, i say this is my first staff application for this account. And i am not copying anything  :-\
~Smiley Face :D


Quote from: TheDarkWolf on October 01, 2013, 08:16:40 AM
No support.

I remember you got offended because someone called you "MrAssCraft".
When me455 call me MrAssCraft, i just say "i dont want to say you badwords" and i just report for this and done?
~Smiley Face :D


Quote from: CaStRoLkO155 on October 01, 2013, 01:08:16 PM
Quote from: TheDarkWolf on October 01, 2013, 08:16:40 AM
No support.

I remember you got offended because someone called you "MrAssCraft".
When me455 call me MrAssCraft, i just say "i dont want to say you badwords" and i just report for this and done?
Well actually you threw a little rage fit and decided it was necessary to go and make a forum post on how you hated nearly everyone on the server because they didn't understand and/or agree with you and proceeded to leave the server like a little b***h because you didn't get your own way.

No support

Cj -Master of Trollz

Quote from: DEADShotMartini on October 01, 2013, 05:44:00 PM
Quote from: CaStRoLkO155 on October 01, 2013, 01:08:16 PM
Quote from: TheDarkWolf on October 01, 2013, 08:16:40 AM
No support.

I remember you got offended because someone called you "MrAssCraft".
When me455 call me MrAssCraft, i just say "i dont want to say you badwords" and i just report for this and done?
Well actually you threw a little rage fit and decided it was necessary to go and make a forum post on how you hated nearly everyone on the server because they didn't understand and/or agree with you and proceeded to leave the server like a little b***h because you didn't get your own way.

No support
^  +1
"I fear not the man who has practiced 10000 kicks 1 time,but the man who has practiced 1 kick 10000 times" ~Bruce Lee


Sorry, but I don't really think that you have really matured since the last time you applied under the name MrAzzCraftLP. Like Deadshot said, you raged in game as well as on the forums and left the server for a while which is pretty unacceptable if you're applying for a staff position. I'm also just going to go ahead and deny this for all the reasons above listed by the other staff and players.