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i wanna be staff :D

Started by hamadessa5, October 06, 2013, 04:53:58 AM

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hi all my name in minecraft is hamadessa5. i am playing this server from 4 months and i am very good and peacfull. i like helping each other and i never say bad words i appreciate what you say and what to do.
my IGN:
i want to be a staff:
i wanna be a staff to spawn alot of things and alot of people trust me also i can help my friends with protecting and building also selling after helping guest that need help to explore the server and what to do to get a new rank then help them build things for their rank
my age is 13 and i like to see kaise zlexy also baroom then leon and all my friends also i appretiate their help for getting new ranks, getting new friends.
thanks for reading bye


Yeah, no. Too short, explains nothing, grammar is shaky, no explanation of command knowledge, poor formatting.
This isn't going to get accepted. Take a look at the more recent accepted apps and the sample app and maybe you'll have a better chance next month.
"Sticks and stones may break my bones, but if they do, I'll kill them."
~Toby Turner


Skype: kaiwaugh1
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