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My name is black and it isn't an option to change color even by a Sr.Mod!

Started by Zaxtran, October 06, 2013, 09:51:49 PM

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I'm thinking that maybe you got a prefix change but the Sr. Mod just left something out? I'm not entirely sure so could you please provide a picture of what your prefix/name looks like? If it is just the prefix, either I or another Sr.Mod+ will be able to help you. :)


The way that we do prefixes is that we use black brackets on every title eg [Moderator] or [Elite], and the colour code at the end is &0] and the way MC works is that everything after &0 or whatever colour code is turned into that colour, in your case it turned your name black because there wasn't a colour code after the bracket such as '&0]&f' which would have turned your name white. anyway yeah uhm when whoever was doing your prefix or whatever, they forgot to set a colour after the bracket which turned your name black.


Ahh... I should have realised that this would be an issue. Yes, all prefixes need to have the colour you want the name to be on the end after the last ]. Sorry.
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