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My Citizen Application (Again due to technical difficulties)

Started by Sarrathos, December 04, 2013, 04:11:06 AM

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My user name is risca
I played on the server for a few months under the name of Sarrathos, and did reach citizen status. However, after the release of 1.6, I was unable to return to the server. However, I have obtained a paid account and returned. These are my builds from before 1.6 when I had first applied for the rank of citizen. I am unable to acquire these photos however, due to not being able to get to my base.
I'm applying for Citizenship because I love this server and would like to access more of its features. I would also appreciate to obtain what it is that I've lost since the 1.6 update.

The following is my original application for citizen, back when I was under the name of Sarrathos.
I know that the buildings in the village are, for the most part, not my own creations. However, I did build the blacksmith based on blueprints from the internet. I live at the bottom of the well in the village. The villagers were not there when I arrived, and so i consider them my own work. They were created using zombie villagers. At the bottom of the well I have three rooms for spawners, but only two are operating. I have a room for farming zombies, as well as one for farming creepers. In  another part of the cave is a large room, complete with 63 different brewing stands, one for every potion in the game. Up the latter from there is where i have my enchantment table, my pig spawner, another brewing stand, my sugar cane farm, my mushroom farm, and my nether wart farm. I also have some things stored inside of the village church, as that used to be the main part of my home. Sorry if this isn't presented correctly, and thank you for taking the time to read it.


I think that we can transfer your rank from your old account to your new one. I remember of that village and your house, so I think there's no need of you to apply again, and someone(moderator+) will transfer your house over to the new world. When you see a mod online in minecraft, ask him to transfer your house.  :)


That sounds like it's going to be a big transfer XD. Transferring an entire village and the entire area beneath it to another location. I had spawner traps and stuff so yes I'd need the whole thing, every bit of it. Oh well. I guess I'll get on that then when I see someone online. ty for the info.




this app is awesome, also, if you had an alt account, provide a screenshot of it, and I can transfer over the rank, also if the village is not too large, we can copy paste it with no big issue :P
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