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Ban report: Roland, AdamTrinity, Vincent, DylanTheFeaver

Started by Kaise123, January 05, 2013, 10:09:01 PM

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Banned Roland for griefing and writing a sign saying 'f**k Admins' at harys2011's house

Banned AdamTrinity, Vincent, DylanTheFeaver for Hacking Brianahrama's account (All players have the Same IP and location as the person who logged in as Bri when her account was hacked)

Roland evidence: He literally did it right infront of me, So no LB evidence reqired.

Other 3:

2013-01-04 20:43:57 [INFO] AdamTrinity[/124.XXX.67.76:49443] logged in with entity id 10145270 at ([world] 49.76790801590491, 69.0, 1146.7617145667814)
2013-01-04 23:12:28 [INFO] DylanTheFeaver[/124.XXX.67.76:57061] logged in with entity id 156715 at ([world] 148.54981595927995, 63.0, 1227.9955252623915)
2013-01-05 00:22:48 [INFO] Disconnecting Vincent [/124.XXX.67.76:60838]: Server is full

2013-01-05 00:21:36 [INFO] BrianahRama[/124.XXX.67.76:60673] logged in with entity id 8904714 at ([world] 77.5, 74.0, 322.5)
Skype: kaiwaugh1
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