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billyolak78's Moderator Application -1-11-13-

Started by IHeartMW, January 12, 2013, 01:19:35 PM

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Billy Olak

bilylolak78 or IHeartMW


I had seen the server on the server list in December 12, 2011, and had joined it, thinking it as a joke,but as soon as I started playing it more, I fell in love with it. It was Maarch 2012 when I stopped to get a new computer, I didn't know that Server Craft was shut down. But in those few months, I became a Knight, A Protector, but stayed as a Protector
Anyone know anthony bebee, I do, he was co-owner of Servercraft, but now, I am starting to think of this server, home, where my friends wait for me.

Activity before Kaisecraft:
I've only played single player before the servers, but had admined on my own and know alot of commands, but still.....

Old Kaisecraft:
My IGN was gorden and I played for 7 months. I bought the rank of Knight about 2 months in and recieved the rank of Protector, 1 day later. This was the most of the time I've served as staff on the server. I recieved the name ScS_Secret and played almost everyday, doing my job protecting builds and also sometimes helping with world edit. My rank of Protector lasted till the end of Kaisecraft.

Activity after Kaisecraft:
As the months progressed, I saw new games appear, and got bored of Minecraft, but when the time came that my computer was up and running, Server Craft was shut down, I played Garrys Mod but still Minecraft, on Xbox and PC.

Forums Knowledge:
I was a former Administrator on my own forums.I know some commands for the forums, including how to Lock, Create, Modify and more....   

I'm best known well, from the old Kaiscraft for my help creating the Staff World, and also being active, today I said, you know what Let's go on Minecraft and see if they remeber me. Just ask Kais or Sab or anyone who was a Protector or staff in the old server and they'll tell you.

Additional Information:
I'm 15 years old, and I live in Canada, I know english, that's it, I know many commands for a server because I own one, I also know how to ban, kick and alot of other stuff, and also how to make awesome builds!



i dont think you have spent 1 hour+ on this server. and once again, i do not support as to me, your activity/rank on the old server doesnt matter. this application is more like a story rather than what you can offer.

also, you say "my ign was gorden"... Gorden/dabeast is a current sr.mod. so i have a slight notion that you have copied that application. LOL. locked and denied automatically for copied application.

"The healthy human mind doesn't wake up in the morning thinking this is its last day on Earth. But I think that's a luxury, not a curse. To know you're close to the end is a kind of freedom, good time to take... inventory."


I agree 100% here with Wanyama. It doesn't matter if you entered your own information to the application and changed it, The idea is that you start fresh and use the example as... well, an example. Copy and pasting an application, no matter how much you modify it is not allowed. Especially if you didn't even proof read it and remove Gorden's IGN from it, That's quite frankly a joke.
Skype: kaiwaugh1
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