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Started by olei1, March 30, 2013, 11:58:53 AM

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Did UndeadBitch grief more than 3 people using other accounts? FORGET THE POLL

Yes (correct).
8 (114.3%)
No (wrong).
1 (14.3%)

Total Members Voted: 7


UndeadBitch is using Elite_Penguin20´s account for grief things as PTBrotherhood Headquarters and Tuga000PT´s private house. And he, on the chat,  he uses bad language. I think he sould get ban. He grief and steal joaonaruto6 as well. I can´t prove this one of joaonaruto6 but I can prove the others.
Please ban him. Elite_Penguin20 doesn´t even like to play very much on kaise123. And he does "/tpahere joaonaruto6" and when joaonaruto6 sees what is around him,...he sees UndeadBitch with blaze eggs spawning them everywhere against joaonaruto6 just to get his things.
Just do me a favour ban him. He griefed me too. He griefed some houses and he stole full stacks of iron and gold. I can prove it. Check my citizen aplication and see the house. Now that house is completely griefed. Please ban that bi*** (sorry for the language). Thanks for your time, olei


I am Undeadbitch victim and for now on im going to try to sreencapture the bad language and he spawning blazes. After that,  zlexy reads the post and understands the language and ban him!!