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Permanent ban report: FuzzyyGames

Started by Zlexy, April 23, 2013, 05:35:21 AM

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Banned for raging in the staff chat when he was a mod, after demotion, he proceeded to hand out free diamond blocks to players then started being cocky to other mods on skype.

Banned permanently
"The healthy human mind doesn't wake up in the morning thinking this is its last day on Earth. But I think that's a luxury, not a curse. To know you're close to the end is a kind of freedom, good time to take... inventory."


thanks 4 unbanning us and banning fuzzyy

Michael Bublé


This is a little bit harsh for what he did, Considering Endy and others were not banned for as long for similar offences. He deserved the demotion but no so much the permaban.

Banned for 15 days.
Skype: kaiwaugh1
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