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Jedwere's 2nd Moderator app

Started by jedwere, May 04, 2013, 11:10:17 PM

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IGN: jedwere

SkypeName: Jedwere

RealName: Diego Gerard A. Diego

Nick Name: jed


HomeTown: BayomBong,Nueva Viscaya

Why i am here applying:
I like helping others, although sometimes i am proven child-like, i can be a good guy when it comes to helping others.

Other Info:
Its summer in my country, i have spent 1 week reading about the different plug-ins and other basic mod commands, i know english is not my mother tongue, but my grammar is understandable.

Commands i have read/Studied about:


/core inspect
-Left-click a block to see who placed that block.
-Right-click a block to see what adjacent block was removed.
-Right-click (place) a block in a location to see what block was removed at that location
-Right-click (place) a block in another block to see who placed it.
-Right-click on a door,button,lever,chest,etc, to see who last used it.

/co help
-Display a list of commands in-game.

/co rollback u:<user> t:<time> r:<radius> a:<action> b:<blocks> e:<exclude>
-Nearly all of the parameters are optional. Shortcut: "/co rb".

u:<user> - Specify a user to rollback.
Example: u:Jedwere

t:<time> - Specify the amount of time to rollback
You can specify weeks,days,hours,minutes, and seconds.

Example: t:9w,9d,9h,9m,99s

You can pick and choose time amounts.
Example: t:9d9h

You can also use decimals
Example: t:9.99h (9 and a half hours)

r:<radius> - Specify a radius.
You can use this to only rollback blocks near you.

For example, the following would only rollback damage within 10 blocks of where you are standing: r:10

a:<action> - Restrict the lookup to a certain action
For example, if you wanted to only rollback blocks placed, you would use a:+block

Action Commands:
-a:block (blocks placed/broken)
-a:+block (blocks placed)
-a:-block (blocks broken)
-a:click (player interactions)
-a:container (items taken from or put in chests, etc.)
-a:+container (items put in chests, etc.)
-a:-container (items taken from chests, etc.)
-a:kill (mobs/animals killed)
-a:chat (messages sent in chat)
-a:command (commands used)
-a:session (player logins/logouts)
-a:+session (player logins)
-a:-session (player logouts)

b:<blocks> - Restrict the rollback to certain block types.
For example, if you wanted to only rollback stone, you would use b:1
You can specify multiple items, such as b:1,5,7

e:<exclude> - Exclude certain block types from the rollback.
For example, if you don't want TNT to come back during a rollback, you would type e:46.

/co restore u:<user> t:<time> r:<radius> a:<action> b:<blocks> e:<exclude>
-Restoring can be used to undo rollbacks.

/co lookup u:<user> t:<time> r:<radius> a:<action> b:<blocks> e:<exclude>
-Same parameters as /rollback. Shortcut: "/co l".
-Lookups can be used to search through block data.

/co purge t:<time>
-Purge old block data. Useful for freeing up space on your HDD if you don't need the older data.
-For example, "/co purge t:30d" will delete all data older than one month, and only keep the last 30 days of data.
-If used in-game, only data older than 30 days can be purged. If used from the console, only data older than 24 hours can be purged.

CoreProtect Permissions:

Allows access to all of the CoreProtect commands

Allows access to the CoreProtect inspect command.

Allows access to the CoreProtect lookup command.

Allows access to the CoreProtect rollback command.

Allows access to the CoreProtect restore command.

Allows access to the CoreProtect purge command.

Allows access to the CoreProtect reload command.

Allows access to the CoreProtect help command.

WorldEdit Commands:

-Set a maximum number of blocks to change at most for all operations. This only affects yourself. Use this to prevent catastrophic accidents. This command will not override the limit in the configuration if it is set.

-Undo your last action.

-Redo your last (undone) action. This command replays back history and does not repeat the command.

-Clear your history.

-gives you a wooded axe
Left click with this tool to select position 1 and right click to selection position 2.

-Toggles the edit wand selection mode, allowing you to use the edit wand item normally.Toggles the edit wand selection mode, allowing you to use the edit wand item normally.

-Choose the region shape to use for selections.

-Deselects the current selection.

-Set selection position #1 to the block above the one that you are standing on.

-Set selection position #2 to the block above the one that you are standing on.

-Set selection position #1 to the block that you are looking at.

-Set selection position #2 to the block that you are looking at.

-Select the chunk that you are within for your selection.

//expand <amount>
-Expands the selection in the direction that you are looking.

//expand <amount> <direction>
-Expands the selection in the specified direction (north, east, south, west, up, down).

//expand <amount> <reverse-amount> [direction]
-Expands the selection in two directions at once.

//expand vert
Expands the selection to include sky to bedrock.

//contract <amount>
-Contracts the selection in the direction that you are looking.

//contract <amount> [direction]
-Contracts the selection in the specified direction (north, east, south, west, up, down).

//outset [-hv] <amount>
-Outset the selection in every direction.

//inset [-hv] <amount>
-Inset the selection in every direction.

//shift <amount> [direction]
-Moves the selection region. It does not move the selection's contents.

-Get the size of selected region.

//count <block>
-Count the number of blocks in the region.

//distr [-c]
-Get the block distribution in the selection.

//set <block>
-Set all blocks inside the selection region to a specified block.

//replace <to-block>
-Replace all non-air blocks blocks inside the region.

//replace <from-block> <to-block>
-Replace all blocks of the specified block(s) with another block inside the region.

//overlay <block>
-Place a block on top of blocks inside the region.

//walls <block>
-Build the walls of the region (not including ceiling and floor).

//outline <block>
-Build walls, floor, and ceiling.

//smooth [iterations]
-Smooth the selection's heightmap.

-Deforms a selected region with an expression.

-Hollows out objects contained in the selection.

-Regenerate the selection region.

//move [count] [direction] [leave-id]
-Move the selection's contents. A block can be specified to fill in the left over area.

//stack [count] [direction]
-Stacks the selection.

-Sets 3 layers of dirt on top of the surface of the selection, and then rock below.

-Copies the currently selected region. Be aware that it stores your position relative to the selection when copying.

-Cuts the currently selected region.

//paste [-ao] [-a]
-Pastes the clipboard. If you paste with -a, air blocks are being ignored.

WorldGuard Commands:

/god [player]
-makes a player immortal

/ungod [player]
-makes a player mortal again.

/heal [player]
-Heals the player to full health bar

/slay [Player]
-Kills a player

-Stack items in your inventory into piles up to the max stack size for the item. Unstackable items like signs will be left alone unless the the user has the permission.

-Stops fire spread instantly for your current world. This is a temporary toggle that will be disabled on server restart. Players who join will be notified when fire spread is disabled.

-Disables the toggle status of /stopfire.

-Stops all intensive server processes such as water and lava flow, redstone propagation, fire, TNT detonation, mob spawning, and other similar events. This is a temporary global toggle that will be disabled on server restart. Players who join will be notified when this mode is on.

/stoplag -c
-Disables the toggle status of /stoplag

/worldguard flushstates [Player]
-Flush any data stored in the state manager that tracks player location for the entry, exit, greeting and farewell flags. Use this if someone is stuck in an exit deny region (or outside an entry deny one) after the flag or region has been removed.

Residence Commands:
use a wooden shovel to select regions (like //wand in WE)

/res create [name]
-makes a residence

/res remove
-removes a res

/res confirm
-confirms whatever res asked

/res pset
-sets flags

example flags:
trusted - all possible changes
container - access to chests
Use - use of doors, lever, button Etc.
Last Words:
Although my English may be shaky, i promisse to do my best as mod ane to help out as much as possible.
thank you for giving out time to read this.  :)


I edited your post and put all of your commands in a spoiler... look how short your app is. Not to mention you can be quite immature and you are too emotionally unstable to be a mod.

"The healthy human mind doesn't wake up in the morning thinking this is its last day on Earth. But I think that's a luxury, not a curse. To know you're close to the end is a kind of freedom, good time to take... inventory."