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Ban Report: lex

Started by Diion, November 05, 2012, 12:59:53 AM

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Earlier today a player named Skylord_Lysander had reported that his house had been griefed, i had quickly teleported him inorder to survey the damage, i had, though block log, found that a player named lex had caused the damage (Note: This person was yesterday caught griefing a very nice unprotected home, however, due to a certain set of  circumstances only a warning had been issued.)
It was based upon what i believe now to be standard protocol that a ban had been issued.



Ban Type: ban and ip ban
Rank: Guest
Moderator: Diion_Beyer had issued the ban

if the entire world fallowed the assumption that it must operate based upon an eye for an eye, everyone would have horrible depth Perception o.O