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Survival Rank (My Idea)

Started by LeonDaMundt, March 18, 2013, 06:02:16 AM

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Instead of adding a huge post in a topic, I'll make my own Suggestion list.

----Newbie----- Name not yet finalized

-These are the basic ranks to enter Survival, the start with a wooden kit:

Wood Spade pick sword and axe,
Wood 32 stacks
Leather armour and some food.

-The second rank to be there.

These can set warps to one place

They have the same kits as Survivors except they get a little bit of more food.

These ranks need to be earned by a special goal for example killing 5 players or something like that.

Third rank to be there

These have warps to two places

These have the same food and wood but have a little upgraded armour and tools.

These are also gotten by doing a special cause.

These can use tools a bit faster and have a little more resistance than normal players.


These can warp to to two places

They have the same kits

They get iron picks and shovels instead of normal ones.

They mine also a bit faster than normal ones.


These can warp to two places

They get iron swords instead of normal ones

They kill faster and have a hit more strength.


These can warp to two places

They get iron goes and axes instead of normal ones.

Their tools are a bit better and also are a bit faster to farm and cut trees.


These can warp to three places

They get iron tools and armour

All of their abilities are increased by 10%

These names are not final and ill remember to add more ranks if I can think of them.


I dont want ranks in survival, ranks in survival wont be survival anymore


I want to add ranks in Survival, And I actually quite like the layout/suggestions you have made here, other then the modified hit strength and possibly kits. I will eventually get around to adding something like this.
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I kind of like this, however the whole 'spawning items' thing does not appeal to me one bit.

My preferred idea is to have kits, one/two main kits that people can choose from and are completely free. And maybe a few donator kits, where if you donate say 2/3/4/5$ to the server, you have unlimited access to a certain kit. Just an idea :)
"The healthy human mind doesn't wake up in the morning thinking this is its last day on Earth. But I think that's a luxury, not a curse. To know you're close to the end is a kind of freedom, good time to take... inventory."


I support Wanyama's Suggestion...I realy want that...
Step-By-Step RankUp...

Life is a dream for the wise, a game for the fool, a comedy for the rich, a tragedy for the poor.


Quote from: Zlexy on March 22, 2013, 07:37:39 AM
I kind of like this, however the whole 'spawning items' thing does not appeal to me one bit.

My preferred idea is to have kits, one/two main kits that people can choose from and are completely free. And maybe a few donator kits, where if you donate say 2/3/4/5$ to the server, you have unlimited access to a certain kit. Just an idea :)
Well lets just stay with the stater kits, because people for in survival alot.



I like and I support Leon's idea. It would be great.
KCv2 Moderator


Quote from: VIPER1302 on May 13, 2013, 02:32:58 AM
I like and I support Leon's idea. It would be great.
This topic is 2 months old

Signature by: TriickyzTrix


I'm going to lock this topic, because people have already given their views and I'm pretty sure Kaise, will be doing something for the ranks and they must be implemented in the future.
