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joaonaruto6 moderator application

Started by joaonaruto6, May 11, 2013, 09:56:24 PM

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Name: João Pedro

IGN:   joaonaruto6

Skype: joaonaruto6

Location: Lisbon, Portugal (Europe) (The location is one of the reasons for my application)

Time on server: I play in the server at least 2 months. Sorry for the time appeared on my previous application

Activity: Normally I play every day, almost 5 hours and when I am in vacation almost 9 hours. Recently I couldn't go to server because I have some problems with my computer. It crashed. And now I'm sharing my mom's computer. So please don't take I'm lying because it's true. Soon I'll get my computer and start working as a moderator (if this app is accepted).

Activity before kaisecraft: I played in servers of my friends. One of them is Tuga000pt. Since I play in kaisecraft, I rarely play on other servers because kaise123 is fantastic.

Reputation: I am that who help the newbies as the example of sharpack, pause and xolucy, giving them spaces and houses in my town to start "a new life" in the server. One of them was griefed... I'm not the most I don't know very well. For some people I am named as The boring guy because I talk too much just to they realize what I need.
People that I know
[spoiler]  HanSolo
Forum knowledge: I have a good memory of knowledge on the forums, I know how to Lock, Move, Edit topics, and all the other things that I can do within forum.

Attitude in the server: I think I'm helpful inside the server! When someone asks something I try to answer as well as the moderators answer and sometimes they say I am a good helper. Other times the guests ask me if I can give something (blocks, items...).

English skills: Portuguese is my first language but English is my second language i prefer. I am good student in English and I am practicing English. Each day i know something more about English.

Time Zone: Lisbon UTC/GMT +0 ( When in Sydney are 6:00, here are 19:00. 

Knowledge: I'm watching each more tutorials about world guard, residence, core Protect and world Edit. But I know some commands:

Core Protect
[spoiler]/co help
/co inspect
/co rollback u:<user> t:<time> r:<radius> a:<action> b:<blocks> e:<exclude>
/co restore (same as rollback)
/co purge[/spoiler]

World Edit

World Guard

/region define
/region claim
/region setparent
/region delete
/region addmember
/region addowner
/region info
/region flag[/spoiler]
[spoiler]/res select
/res select expand
/res select size
/res create
/res remove
/res removeall
/res rename[/spoiler]
Tell me some people you helped and what you did: When HanSolo was only citizen, I helped him building his mansion, some buildings behind his mansion spawning the blocks he need it. Also I helped 2 guys who live close to my house.

What I improve from last application: From last application I saw some videos about the WorldGuard, WorldEdit and Residence commands as I said before. I also saw some accepted and denied applications to see what I should do and what I shouldn't do.

What are some of your personal strengths? I think I am polite and i love helping people. I'm patient and when someone needs help I try at the maximum help that guy.

What are some of your personal weaknesses? I hate guys who griefs buildings which are difficult to build. Dispite I am undeadbitch school friend. A long time ago I did a report about him. He griefed  my two houses, he stolled my account, but fortunately zlexy (my portuguese server friend) helped me changing the password.  He trusted in the other account I had and changed the password. I am very grateful for what he did. That is a proof he is a very good admin!!

Additional info: I spend my time listening music of Will.I.AM, Linkin Park and Bruno Mars. My favourite movie is Fast and Furious 5. I am desperately waiting for the Fast and Furious 6.

Why I'm applying: I think I should get the Moderator Rank because I feel that I feel  very experienced in the world of Minecraft and I can be very helpful to everyone. As I said before I live in Lisbon, Portugal, Europe, I think if a portuguese member join the moderator rank it will be plus one of the few European moderators existing in this server. I am helping on the server as a builder, especially on the weekends, but when moderator we can help much more. I love helping people but I don't force my services upon them, if they do not require help. Sometimes I ask the moderators if they can help me. Lately a moderator helped me finishing my mansion. As a moderator I'm going to help the most people I can with variables  projects that people are trying to build and with the extensive amount of features that Moderators are allowed to use then I can be very helpful. I envision that because I have a helpful and a cheerful personality along with my technical forum and Minecraft knowledge. I can be a very helpful moderator. If this app is accepted it will be my first time as a moderator. Soon I'm going to be an admin on a server of my friend. He believes i can do a great job. One last thing... I wish to be moderator also because people who are creative build big things, like mansions, town, etc... So I want to help those people from the griefers because if someone see art destroyed, that people stay very sad and I want to discover who did that to pay the price.

PS: This is not very important but I like to build very things. I am planning to build a big city with everything that a city can have as shops, hotels, swimming pools, plots, etc.So it will be helpful be a moderator because I will use items that builder cannot "spawn".

Thank you for your attention,


Firstly, there is currently an age limit of 15 years or older to apply. Secondly, you've just copied a whole section of information from your previous Applications.