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Ban Report: Mastergamer23

Started by ParagonGX, May 17, 2013, 11:15:15 PM

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Temporarily banned for 3 days for teleporting in the Survival World.


I didnt tp him he asked me to Tpa And i done nothing he just asked me to /f sethome to my fac...

EDITED:I didnt tpa in survival i was in mainworld with Michael5017


Which is in Survival...It's fine if you try to BS your way out, but the temp ban may be extended.


You should have known that i was in main world
And you just ban me without evidence


Quote from: Mastergamer23 on May 17, 2013, 11:31:34 PM
You should have known that i was in main world
And you just ban me without evidence
I'm pretty sure he has evidence


I was watching the console the whole time, Archangel2216 asked you to tpa into the Survival World to /f sethome, you took a while to reply, but you eventually did it. And for your previous comment, your ban has been extended to 10 days.