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Engineer Application

Started by Kempis, June 02, 2013, 11:36:21 AM

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Hello, I am HunterBonx even though this account is named Ranemist.
This is my 4th application.
-My name is HunterBonx. I am 18 years of age and I go to UTS University. I am sometimes immature because I am still kind of a teenager. I have a girlfriend that I live with, and I currently still live with my parents. I live in Australia NSW Sydney.
I have played on this server for almost half a year - I'm pretty sure. I have applied for this rank 3 times before, and those 3 times before I have always pissed off staff by nagging them to look at my application. I will not be doing that this time for I have learned my lesson when my old account got muted. I know that I may not be eligible for this rank since I have been muted, I have been nagging people to look at my application and I have had a bad reputation with a few staff. But know this. I will change.
I would like this Engineer rank so I can make more redstone contraptions and also so I can set warps. I have helped many people in the past, and now. Even though I have bad reputation with staff, I help lots of people on the server. I have made many towns in the server too, and in the towns, I make a lot of redstone contraptions, such as sliding glass doors for my mall and an automatic farm for my town also.
If I achieve this rank, I will help new guests to the server and I will help them find a home and place to live even though I can do that now. I will volunteer to build anything with redstone that the staff desire and I will commit my minecraft playing to the rank.
I understand that this rank requires a few pictures of my builds, and I will insert the images as soon as I build them, which will be soon - before the 5 day deadline.

Images of Sliding Glass Doors for My Mall

Images of Automatic Wheat Farm

Images of Shop Bar

Mob/Player Gun/Trap -Small Explanation, This is a redstone powered gun that shoots players and/or mobs if turned on. (it burns out after a while)

Here are some extra builds of the town I am working on. They are not redstone but the builds did take pretty long to make.

Thank you.
-HunterBonx (Ranemist)


Application is good, but waiting on more of your images to decide. You have 5 days to add the rest of your builds to the application.

Skype: kaiwaugh1
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Added more builds to the Application Kaise.


I think you still need to add more builds. Nothing you have used here is particularly complex. Not ALL of the builds are required to be redstone ones, You may include others aswell.
Skype: kaiwaugh1
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Ok Kai
I'll add them when I get home today.

I added an extra photo of another redstone build, and I also added a non-redstone build.


umm, there hasn't been a reply from anyone for 3 days already.. I edited my first post...


Sorry, I don't know how I missed this :S

It's pretty good now, But only just past the line.

Skype: kaiwaugh1
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