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Gerhardsen and H3n1ng Ban report

Started by DEADShotMartini, November 08, 2012, 08:52:32 AM

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Ok here's another one.
While flying around i found out that Pawos' place has been griefed. After looking around with logblock with iTroll, 00Assassin and Diion, we found out that most damage was done by the 2 in question.



We have also decided that we will issue anyone with a warning who stole from the chests as they didnt take major valuables

Action taken: 3 day ban for both
Action done by: xXxDE4DShotxXx
Witnesses: iTroll, 00AssassinNoob00 and Diion_Beyer




Lol yeah shows you broke blocks. Issue has been solved with temp ban so locking topic :)