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Spawning Areas

Started by Sarrathos, June 27, 2013, 03:00:27 AM

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A problem I have recently encountered with spawners on the server is that even if you have the correct spawner, it cannot always spawn the mob if you are not in the correct location. An example of this is the Mushroom Cow. If I were to buy a Mushroom Cow spawner and place it in a planes biome, no Mushroom Cows would spawn. Even if I replace the grass in the planes with mycelium, mushroom cows still wouldn't spawn, so please don't suggest it. This is because Mushroom cows will only spawn in an area that the game registers as a mushroom biome. A similar problem can be considered with witches. Witches will only spawn in the are that the game registers as a witch hut, meaning that even if I have a spawner, I can't spawn them without a witch hut. Thus, the question I'm asking about today.

Is it, or is it not possible, or is it against the rules, for someone with power on this server (moderator, admin, server owner, etc.) to change an area to fit the spawning needs? That is, can I get an authority on the server to make witches able to spawn in an area of my choosing? If so, what is the cost of getting them to do this, and how large of an area can they cover? If there is not already a rule on this, I don't mind posting it in the suggestion section if it is preferable that it be there rather than here.


Nobody has ever asked anything like this before, So it's not really been set as a rule.

Yes, It is possible for someone to change the Biome of an area. However, Only Administrators are currently able to do it. You may speak to any Admin who is online about changing it, And they can decide on the spot if you can get it done or not (It has to be for a decent reason). They may also make up a charge on the spot, If they wish to charge for it (Again depends on the situation).
Skype: kaiwaugh1
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