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Ranemist (HunterBonx) Application for Moderator

Started by Kempis, June 10, 2013, 02:26:23 PM

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    Name: Mathew Wang

    Age: 18

    IGN: HunterBonx (currently engineer)


    Introduction: I am born in Australia even though I have come from a Chinese family. I had a hard time when I was small as I wasn't exactly buff nor cool. I got teased and bullied during primary school. I went to a school named Marist College Penshurst and, I wasn't bullied as much except for the first year of year 7, as the year 10's love bullying new-comers, which in my case, being year 7. When I got to year 8, I didn't get bullied and I made a few friends. When I got to year 9, I was the smartest in the class and when I was in year 10, I was the tallest in the whole year. When I graduated to year 11 and 12, I started going through LOTS of puberty, and grew pimples and everything. I went to a school (When in year 11 & 12) named Saint Mary's Catholic School. Now I study at University. I am trying to study to become a successful teacher.

    Activity: I hope lots of people know me by now. I have been active since the time I joined, which was around the start of the year, in January. I have tried squeezing at least half an hour or an hour of going on the server and check how things are going.

    Before KaiseCraft: I sadly never got the chance to play Kaisecraft as I have been playing a server known as cryptcraft. I was a normal player there when I donated $5 to become a "Coal Donator". I was very well known there and lots of people seemed to like me but however, I was a bit immature then and some of the staff despised me. As I said before, most of the people liked me, so when I applied for mod, almost all of the players gave me their support, and the staff had to listen, so they granted me the title moderator. This was when I started to learn all about administrating and being a helper.

    On Kaisecraft: I joined in January and I have tried to be as active as possible. I normally squeeze in half an hour, as I said above, but sometimes, just sometimes, I can't manage to do that. If I sometimes can't manage that (normally due to work problems) I go on my phone and go on the forums.

    Forums Knowledge: I am very familiar with BBcode as my own website that I made a few months ago use. I know lots of BBcode such as [Color=<Color>] and many more. I may have a tendency to spam a bit, but I can correct this habit easily as it isn't any serious habit. I know my old account was muted for spamming on the forums, but I have tried to change that when I made my new account.


    /region define <name>
    /region addowner <name of region> <player to add as owner>
    /region removeowner  <delete player from region>
    /region addmember <add player to build>
    /region removemember <delete players permissions>
    /stoplag -c

    /res create
    /res select expand
    /res protect[/spoiler]

    /co inspect
    /co rollback[/spoiler]

    Reputation: I may not have exactly a "good" reputation but I have an alright reputation. Sometimes I have a habit of spamming - as stated above and, well, in real life, I have this habit of annoying people. This year, since I graduated to Uni, I tried to be less annoying and act more like my age by being more mature and formal. However for this spamming problem, I think its just a state of the mind, since I always feel like I have to reply to every post. But I can change this easily by, just going on the forums less than now.

    Reason: If I am luckily chosen to become Moderator, I will try my hardest to help those in need, when I am online - on the server, as well as the forums. I am not familiar with the images staff use when they deny posts or accepts such as -Locked- -Application Approved- -Application Denied- and so on but I will definitely try my very hardest to help although sometimes that cannot be guaranteed (due to school problems).

      ~Ranemist (HunterBonx)[/list][/list][/list]


      You are a great guy, you impressed me last time and I gave you my support(past). However your application is good, but I think you need more information, the application is a bit short.


      Quote from: TriickyzTrix on June 10, 2013, 03:34:16 PM
      You are a great guy, you impressed me last time and I gave you my support(past). However you'r application is good, but I think you need more information, the application is a bit short.
      Yeah, sorry I did all this on my phone - it's hard to control.
      When I get the chance il add more on the computer.


      You are cool guy and mature enough to become a mod. Your age is applicable to apply as moderator. Unfortunately, your application is small enough to used as an application on staff position.

      Signature by: Builder Stephen


      Quote from: Stephen on June 10, 2013, 07:11:36 PM
      You are cool guy and mature enough to become a mod. Your age is applicable to apply as moderator. Unfortunately, your application is small enough to used as an application on staff position.
      Totally same response, just increase your app a bit and we will surely support you.


      I've  seen you frequently on the Server and in the forums.
      You seem to be pretty nice on the server.
      I hope that they will accept you as mod!


      Hunter, the app is okay.. Needs a lot more information about why you would like to obtain the rank.

      Your main forums account was muted for spamming. This could come into effect when deciding because if you got moderator "would he spam again as he has moderator powers".

      I personally don't like you. You tend to spam on the server, very immature. I find it hard to belive you are actually 18.

      No support
      poop comes out of my butt


      Quote from: iLiviDzZ on June 10, 2013, 11:08:53 PM
      Hunter, the app is okay.. Needs a lot more information about why you would like to obtain the rank.

      Your main forums account was muted for spamming. This could come into effect when deciding because if you got moderator "would he spam again as he has moderator powers".

      I personally don't like you. You tend to spam on the server, very immature. I find it hard to belive you are actually 18.

      No support



      QuoteI was one of the many unlucky people who joined after the whitelist and start of the server
      What do you mean you were unlucky to get whitelisted?!!
      "Sticks and stones may break my bones, but if they do, I'll kill them."
      ~Toby Turner


      Quote from: DeathDefyer99 on June 11, 2013, 02:19:33 AM
      QuoteI was one of the many unlucky people who joined after the whitelist and start of the server
      What do you mean you were unlucky to get whitelisted?!!
      Probably spell correct.

      As to the application, IT's alright, But not great. I also agree with
      Quote from: iLiviDzZ on June 10, 2013, 11:08:53 PM
      Hunter, the app is okay.. Needs a lot more information about why you would like to obtain the rank.

      Your main forums account was muted for spamming. This could come into effect when deciding because if you got moderator "would he spam again as he has moderator powers".

      I personally don't like you. You tend to spam on the server, very immature. I find it hard to belive you are actually 18.

      No support

      That. I cannot give my personal support.
      Skype: kaiwaugh1
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      I have added additional Information and completely edited my entire post since I am on the computer now.
      It is a bit more organised and I hope it has more information than before. Thank you.


      I've seen the improvement of your staff application. Your application is good but I don't think that you are capable of handling a staff position. I think your mature enough personally but when I saw some of the comments in your application, I am wandering if you are really already 18 years old or not due to spamming in the forum. Your a great guy but I don't think you show it on your staff application. I'm sorry to say but,
      -No Support

      Signature by: Builder Stephen


      Quote from: Stephen on June 11, 2013, 06:22:03 PM
      I've seen the improvement of your staff application. Your application is good but I don't think that you are capable of handling a staff position. I think your mature enough personally but when I saw some of the comments in your application, I am wandering if you are really already 18 years old or not due to spamming in the forum. Your a great guy but I don't think you show it on your staff application. I'm sorry to say but,
      -No Support
      I have said something about being immature and acting like a kid in my application.
      I have tried very hard this past week to improve my immaturity and I'm not sure what others think, but I reckon I have matured much more than before I applied.


      At this point of time I still don't see you as a Moderator, as you still portray immaturity. After being banned from your previous account, I'm still seeing many unnecessary posts being made. And you seemly acting as if you are already a part of the Staff Members and posting comments which are to be made by Staff ONLY.