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I would like to be Builder :D SUPERBOTAR

Started by superbotar, June 18, 2013, 10:52:43 PM

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massive building          inside                                  outside                                                                                                                               
Players i meet:Sasa,yellow,Osama,Skyra,MasterBlitz,HanSolo,Crnob,Anderman,Jakov.... I met much more but i cant remember.
My balance is 150 000.My mc stats are 27. :) :) I am planning to get much more mcstats and money
I got 2 houses and this giant house :D
I want to be builder because i can spawn items! If i can spawn items that means ill builid more and nicer :D That can improve server:D I am redstone master,I invented snow grinder,and i know to make xp farm fr 15 mins :D
I found this server 2 months ago :D  but i registerd on fourm today.everyday i play at least 2 hours.Max 5 :D :)


Did i needed to screenshots of my singleplayer buildings?
On singleplayer i  made iron farm on survial,ultimate grinder,automtaic melon farm....
If my post isnt enough ill post more :D
I hope it is :D


the application is just messy, try fixing that up and please post some more pictures..


Please wait a week after becoming citizen to apply for builder.