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Texture relase.

Started by $-Superbotar-$, August 09, 2013, 12:47:58 AM

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I am working at texture pack.I will upload whole texture and ill maybe put link in reply.Texture pack have much more pixels than regular.
Anyone got some cool ideas?


I came here, cuz i thought you released it. Who else did?

And, no i dont have any ideas. Maybe, a squid or zombie looking like Kai?


Make the enderdragon face kai's face.. :D


Ender dragon doesnt exist.And i need kaise skin to make zombie looks like him.But i think it will be better to make some rare zombie looks like kaise.It will be stupid if 1000 kaises go around you.


A texture pack sounds nice, i hope to see what you come up with :D
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― Bernard M. Baruch