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Moderator Application : MrAzzCraftLP

Started by MrAzzCraftLP, July 09, 2013, 02:29:58 PM

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Time played on server:
A few weeks if not a month. Also was on the old server and was staff.
How active are you:
Very active unless its a school day then I can't be on in the middle of the day.
How long were you on old kaisecraft?
About 4-5 months.
Old kaisecraft name for staff:
ScS or KcS_Wolf not sure exactly I think both.
Past staff in old server and also in bublecraft. I was a mod on both server and know how to do most things with commands/forums.
Friends on server:
More info:
I have built many things and I personally think I am a good builder. I like to take time and build also. I also started my shop back up again.
More than likely I will create a town and hope to meet and make many new friends.
I believe I am ready to take on the task as a moderator again and help other people.
I am dedicated fully to this server.

Also I know almost fully how to use WG and WE. Logblock I will just need a few things to be answered. Residence I know atleast enough to protect and expand, etc.
IGN : MrAzzCraftLP
Rank : [Engineer] Next Will be Mod i think :)
Name : Andy Rio
I Like KCv2!!!
I Like TeamExtreme!!!
And Hey There I am from Planet Minecraft! :D

Subscribe SkyDoesMinecraft!!!!


Sorry but you're not KcS_Wolf. Wolf is also known as 00AssassinNoob00 (on this server), and he has already been a mod twice. You are not Assassin because you come from Kuwait according to a bit of IP tracing.

Lies lies lies. No support.
"The healthy human mind doesn't wake up in the morning thinking this is its last day on Earth. But I think that's a luxury, not a curse. To know you're close to the end is a kind of freedom, good time to take... inventory."



Next application date: August 9th