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Superbotar Moderator App

Started by $-Superbotar-$, July 18, 2013, 02:57:08 AM

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Name Mihailo Gujanicic

Age 14 I will be 15 in november.


Skype Dont have one but if you want ill make one.

I've played on Kaise for about 2 months and a week.I am really active player.

Before KaiseCraft:
I played on one server called Brajo.My rank was Pro.I  learned how to use shop plugin and a lot of commands.

Old KaiseCraft:
I didn't play on old KaiseCraft.

After KaiseCraft

I didn't leave KaiseCraft.

I can find all commands on Google or ask other staff members.But if you want i'll learn it.I know simple commands.

/stoplag -c
/region define <name>
/region addowner <name of region> <player to add as owner>
/region removeowner  <delete player from region>
/region addmember <add player to build>
/region removemember <delete players permissions>

Forum knowledge:
I know how to post,lock,comment and chat.

I think people loves me.While playing on Kaise i made a lot of friends.I reffered Sasa,Bumbulbi,Lakica...

About me:
I am from Serbia.I am from one regular fammily,i got brother and sister,mum and dad.I'll do whatever it takes to be Moderator on KaiseCraft because i really like it.My rank is builder.I speak English,Almost all Balkan and French.If i get Moderator ill be active a lot.I promise ill be good Moderator.I play minecraft in a total of 2 years.I know how to craft every item and everything about mobs.I know all id's of items and enchant.I cant get any virus because i got Avast.I learned all about Moderator rank.Moderators can spawn every item.They can sell god armors for 35 500,tools for 7000-10000 and spawners for 5 000.5 spawners are allowed per person and area.Before 1.6.2 i helped a lot of people i made iron farm, cactus farm,melon farm.People werent hungry and they didnt need tools any more.When i made iron farm a tons of people came to use it.TheDarkWolf helped me.I am exelent student and i have great memory.




Sorry I didnt see what Han wrote.I made other app by accident,

Akahitoha (AiriSchwartz)

You still failed at the same problem.

It's technically the same as the last one except you didn't put the commands in spoilers.




You just got denied. You need to wait one full month before you can apply again. Since you didn't follow that rule, the time is extended to a month and a half.

Next application date: September 1