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I would like to report ciztii

Started by me455, August 15, 2013, 07:41:15 AM

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I would like to report ciztii

Today he spawn killed me,

I would like to know what you are going to do to him,

He got mad because I back stabbed him in survival, so he decided to spawn kill me,

please do something about it,

I don't have pics of what i had because i didn't know he wass gunna do that.

Please help me






Quote from: Ciztii on August 15, 2013, 07:42:32 AM
Sorry no proof, no ban.

The way you structured that sentence is very suspicious, as well as the tone you are using in the sentence, all a bit authorized. Not to mention you literally replied within 1 minute and 17 seconds after the initial post was made, and the majority of the messages in the skype chat seem also to be suspicious against you.


Quote from: DEADShotMartini on August 15, 2013, 08:21:09 AM
Quote from: Ciztii on August 15, 2013, 07:42:32 AM
Sorry no proof, no ban.

The way you structured that sentence is very suspicious, as well as the tone you are using in the sentence, all a bit authorized. Not to mention you literally replied within 1 minute and 17 seconds after the initial post was made, and the majority of the messages in the skype chat seem also to be suspicious against you.
Sorry not meaning to be suspicious I just didnt feel like typing, also i was just browsing the recently posted and I saw my name.


HAHA leon saw you spawn kill me....

/vanish FTW and says my butt again


I didn't see you spawn kill him  :P, but I saw him spawn kill alot of guys using /vanish and I saw him partially spawn kill you through Dynmap, everyone being like Spawn Killah, and the me455 was slain by Ciztii.

So, for that, Ciztii temp-banned for 2 days.