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Yerp's mod app revised

Started by Uber_duck, August 16, 2013, 05:01:28 PM

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Yerp is a pretty good player on the server. I haven't heard anything bad of him and I DO see him on often. Sure, the app isn't the greatest in the world, but it's better than some in the archives.

Yerp also seems to be a very humble person from his app. A humble personality is good.

I'll offer my support. :)

Quote from: TheAmazingBobert on August 20, 2013, 11:11:30 AM
Wolf while everyone appreciates feedback on their apps so that they can make them better, I have noticed that you run through the mod apps repeating yourself. How is applying at 14 "Cheating" or "Breaking the rules" I mean you sound like a broken record. Secondly You're not a mod, so your feedback on posts such as these is not neccesary. I apologize for the rant But im beginning to become genuinly angry with you for these posts..

I'm getting pretty anxious over them too, as we just had a good discussion on this not too long ago.


This is getting of topic, I'll lock this and leave it for admins to decide


Signature by: TriickyzTrix


I'm on my phone at the moment, so I can't really write everything I want, but I'll summarise quickly:

Yerp; while you generally seem to have a pretty good attitude and understating of the rank, I don't think you are quite ready for it yet. The spelling/grammatical errors in your application and the fact that you do not meet the age requirement are enough to push you over the 'deny' line.

Good effort though, maybe try again in a few months.
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