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Kenchie10's citizen application

Started by Kenchie10, October 15, 2013, 05:40:40 PM

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Hi I am Kenchie10 and I always wanted to be a citizen in the KCv2server.

-my in game name

-how long I have played
5 days

-reason why I want this rank
I want this rank because I want to have a rank.

-multiple pictures of my house
-I hope that this is enough to earn the citizen rank.







Go to this topic:,1306.0.html

and make sure to read the prerequisites.

"- You must have built something. It must be of a reasonable size and complexity, but pretty much anything that is somewhat decent will do. Aslong as you put some effort in and don't just submit a wooden box you should be fine."

You have 5 days from this post to put up some pictures of a better build. If you do that, you'll be accepted straight away.


Denied as there hasn't been a reply in a 5 day time period.