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Citizen Application for MegaCreeper0

Started by PestalMan, November 29, 2013, 05:02:24 AM

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Hi guys! my name is Othman. And i use my friend's forums account because i don't have Gmail so i used for him. Well, let's just start

IGN (In Game Name) : MegaCreeper0

Times played on the server : 7 days maybe

My Reason to be Citizen : 1)To help my friend build a school.
                                       2)I Need to spawn items myself without going on mall
                                       3)I love this server soo much, so i would like to have some ranks
                                       4)To help someone too

My Hotel : (if you want to see all the parts go /warp woodenhotel)

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Oh yeah more reason is to go to survival and create or join faction. Because i heard that survival is fun


"Speak Softly and Carry a Big Stick, it will take you far" -Teddy Roosevelt
"Things do not happen. Things are made to happen." - John F. Kennedy