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Applying For Citizenship

Started by jeff142, November 26, 2013, 02:46:15 AM

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My (IGN) Is jeff142
I've started playing this server in 5 Months
I'd like to reach Engineer rank


Could you add more reasons for 'why do you want this rank'? :)

And why did make another citizen application?


Reasons Why i wanna be a Citizen
Cony7 Told me to apply for citizen that's why i'm applying for it.
Because I don't need to waste money for buying woods cobblstone coals and more because i can spawn them if i'm Citizen
That's the reason why did i apply for Citizen :D  ;)


The First one was fail the picture didn't pop out so i apply again for Citizen


Alright, Admin will remove the old app.


It is preferred if you just modified your old application instead, but accepted and locked. :)