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Applying For Citizen

Started by jeff142, November 25, 2013, 01:05:58 PM

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My (IGN) is jeff142e
I've played this server in 5 Months
Beucause I wan't to reach the Engineer Rank
Viewing G2PYX.png (278 KB - 1327 x 707 pixels)
Viewing XkfT9.png (795.5 KB - 1366 x 768 pixels)


Hmm, your pictures don't seem to be working so just visit this link here:,278.0.html and then modify your post to fix your pictures. :) Also, please include a few more reasons as to why you would like this rank. Your IGN "jeff142e" doesn't seem to have ever logged onto the server...maybe you accidentally misspelled your username? :/ If you could also fix that, that would be great. Thanks!


Locked as the other application has been accepted.