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Prowl88's Moderator Application

Started by Prowl88, January 30, 2013, 07:55:26 PM

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Jasper (If you really, really, really, really want my full name for some reason, ask me on Skype.)



I was accepted for the whitelist but never really played, however in December, a few friends and I decided we would start playing Minecraft again and got on Kaisecraft V2. I'm usually on 5+ hours on weekends and either build buildings in our town, or try and help out other people.

Activity before Kaisecraft V2:
Before Kaisecraft V2 I played on Servercraft and the first Kaisecraft. In those servers I was a mod and have a general idea of the commands from my experiences in those servers. I would usually get on everyday and hang around the server to see if anyone needed help. I was a mod for most of Kaisecraft and Servercraft but eventually left because of disagreements with Fulksayyan.

Knowledge: I know how to protect with regions using WorldGuard and WorldEdit, I know most WorldEdit commands and am familiar with LogBlock command such as /lb tool and /lb rollback. If I somehow forget these commands I am willing to look them up on teh Googles. I also know how to edit, move and lock topics.

I hope my reputation with players on KCv2 is good, as I try to help out with newer players whenever a mod isn't on by temporarily protecting their build with /res. I'm usually an easygoing guy and I haven't met an players who don't like me (I think).

Additional Information:
I'm 14 and live in Brisbane, Australia. I actually like helping people on the server and try to help out as much as I can  within my capacity. As said before I'm usually on all weekend and if I'm not it's because of school work. I have never been banned from a server and think I could help out with players when most mods aren't on. (Most aren't on when it's afternoon in Aus).

It's for these reasons that I believe I could be a good mod.

Thanks :D


Nice player, never seen you have any problems with anybody so i support.


I will nag Kaise to make you mod ;3 Known you for ages + trust you heaps. You are a pretty mature and intelligent guy so support :3


Definitely support Prowl. He can be spammy at times, But I trust him and he seems intelligent and knows most of his stuff. He also comes with the additional and unusual feature of being able to use "Teh Googles".

Only issue I have is that the application is a little bit short.
Skype: kaiwaugh1
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Such a great player! Support Good luck Bro!


Great guy, I just want you on the Staff right now, because I know you can be a great mod and I know you will become even better than before.

DeadCell's Seal of Approval! (meaning I support)


You have my full support. You're a nice person to talk with and it's been a pleasure to have you on the server.


i like you alot. the app is quite good, despite being short. i will talk to the other guys about this, i am very eager to accept you on kai's behalf. i'll get back to you :)

"The healthy human mind doesn't wake up in the morning thinking this is its last day on Earth. But I think that's a luxury, not a curse. To know you're close to the end is a kind of freedom, good time to take... inventory."


after a discussion with other mods, there were no objections from any of us. i believe you are fit for mod, and as there is no objection from kai or sab for that matter, on behalf of kai, i promote you to moderator

congratulations! :)

"The healthy human mind doesn't wake up in the morning thinking this is its last day on Earth. But I think that's a luxury, not a curse. To know you're close to the end is a kind of freedom, good time to take... inventory."