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Grief report: Ch0ChoLatt3

Started by -Blarno-, February 11, 2013, 09:01:02 PM

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Here comes new grief report :p

Most likeliy Ch0ChoLatt3 griefed iron which flykid and me built.

Use logblock to check, we won't repair anything yet.

Picture 1:

Animator was building by it and also I saw Ch0 by it. Animator said he thinks it's ch0.

Picture 2: (Grief amount)

Thank you for your time,


  Indeed it was ch0cholatt3. Thank you for reporting him, i will ban him for about 8 days.

LogBlock Evidence:

(I placed the stone to check since it was in midair.)

------------------------------------------------------------Behold, the formation from a Crafting table to the pigman :o. The crafting table must have created us all, each in different individuals.


Quote from: BlueStar5 on February 12, 2013, 05:32:53 AM
  Indeed it was ch0cholatt3. Thank you for reporting him, i will ban him for about 8 days.

Thank you, blue!
Althought I think he deserves longer ban. He griefed over 2 stacks of iron and powered rails.


Do you mean the water and lava too? And do you need someone to rollback the area?
Le god of le troll~

Msg me if you need help or have questions :D