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Mr_Filips Moderator application ! :D (pro) :)

Started by Mr_Filip, March 15, 2013, 12:43:33 AM

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In game name:


I'm not incredibly active on KCv2 just since i haven't got any time to play because school/ training and that stuff but some days / weekends i'm playing up to 7hours each day.

Experience with minecraft/server's
I am very experienced with minecraft and know many things about the game including things other players commonly do not know. I am also very experienced with servers, especially faction servers as I have played on many different ones and I know a lot of the faction commands if not all of them. I have experience being a moderator on another server and being OPed on one.

why would you pick me?:
One reason you may not think I am fit for moderator is my activity level, I admit I am not incredibly active in-game, but let me explain why in a little more detail. Honestly, I don't find pvp, factions, and raiding incredibly fun, well I like it and enjoy doing these things sometimes but I never get deeply involved in it and I spend a lot of my Minecraft time on Kaisecraftv1 because I have to say I kind of prefer the towns, but I am willing to devote a lot of time and work as a staff member since this server most definitely needs more staff. 

What I can offer as a staff member:
Like I said I don't get deeply involved in pvp, raiding, or stuff like that. This can be very helpful as if a staff member was then they could have biased opinions when deciding stuff like when to kick and player. I am also very active on the forums, while there may be many active players in-game, not that many are also very active on the forums. I would always be reasonable and calm when dealing with rule breakers, I would be happy to assist any players that need staff help, and I would devote a lot of time into this.

Additional Information About Me:
I'm 15 years old i like to play games like call of duty - League of legends - Minecraft- and a lot more and i 'm in to this with computers like even understanding it how everything in it works whats the smartest cable management's and much more like that (a bit nerdy) but. Whatever i go to school as a normal teenager (or i think its normal....) and i like to help players in games / irl.. and i think thats the short version of my life ..I
speak both English Swedish and i can write both good. I love to be a part of big community's such as KCv2.

Forums Knowledge:
Like i said i'm in to this with computers and that is including making forums / website so i can the most important things about it like sticky posts locked posts and much more..... and it all is probly because i've had a forum's for like 1-3 years i'm making new once all the time but if it is something new on this one then i  can learn it pretty quick. 

Well i know the most things about server plugins and especially World edit, World Guard, Essentials Logblock and PremissionsEX and my reson to that is because i've had or i have my own server (That i don't like as much as KCv2). At Kcv2 do i use World Edit so i can the most commands. 



/region redefine <id>
/region update <id>
/region move <id>
/region info world_nether forbiddenlands
/region info spawn
/region select spawn
/region list
/region list 3 world_nether 
/region list .spawn
/region teleport #1
/region flag <id> <flag> -w <worldname> [<value>]
/region flag spawn pvp -w duduworld deny
/region flag spawn greeting Welcome to the spawn, %name%!
/region flag spawn farewell
/region setpriority <id> -w <worldname> <priority>
/region priority <id> -w <worldname> <priority>
/region pri <id> -w <worldname> <priority> 
/region setparent <child> <parent>
/region parent <child> <parent>
/region par <child> <parent> 
/region remove <id> -w <worldname>
/region rem <id> -w <worldname>
/region delete <id> -w <worldname>
/region del <id> -w <worldname> 
/region teleport [-s] <id>
/region tp [-s] <id> 

//sel    <cuboid|extend|poly|ellipsoid|sphere|cyl>    
//expand    <amount>    
//expand    <amount> <direction>    
//expand    <amount> <reverse-amount> [direction]    
//expand    vert
//contract    <amount>    
//contract    <amount> [direction]    
//contract    <amount> <reverse-amount> [direction]    
//outset    [-hv] <amount>    
//inset    [-hv] <amount>    
//shift    <amount> [direction]    
//count    <block>    

Activity before Kaisecraft:
Well when Kaisecraft wasn't up i did play a small bit on Jessoucraft my rank was : Moderator for a while promoted by: DanTom and i played on other server like Hybirdcraft didn't apply there so my rank was only whatever the first one was called i don't remember because it was a long while ago.

Old Kaisecraft:
On old Kaisecraft i had a very good activity i did play like atleast 5 hours each day and i think i played from 2011 or 2012(don't remember which year it was don't judge) ...February till the server went down 

Activity after Kaisecraft:
When kaisecraft went down i did get a bit sad and did just stop paly minecraft for a while because i tought it was terrible that my only good server was down because i thought it would be forever that made things really difficult so i did decide to try to find another server then i did start play a bit not to much on mdynamics but then i thought to my self that it was the most terrible server EVER not even joking and that is pretty much my activity after kaisecraft.

Well to be honest so i don't really know what my reputition is on KCv2 i think its good but i don't really know i've ended up in trouble once (because of my friend DANG) but i respect all KCv2 players and i hope that they don't think bad about me and ofcourse nobody is perfect. 

Well thank you for reading this i hope its enough :)

i like  PIE and mtv  :D


Support nice and friendly guy known him for a while 8)


Really nice application.
I know you in a while, you're great guy.
Let's forget about things on stillcraft



You haven't been active for months now.. No support.

This app looks famililar aswell
poop comes out of my butt


Ryan its my own lol ..... i will break your leg in game xD im not even joking! XD btw add me on skype again

i like  PIE and mtv  :D

Michael Bublé


As Ryan has said, you haven't been on the server for a few months and with your past record isn't that good on many servers. I.e. Misuse of world edit to grief and a negative attitude to the community.