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Application for Moderator. Just117

Started by Craizyd00d, April 05, 2013, 04:02:13 AM

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Antonio Devescovi

Just117 (changed from Craizyd00d)


My ability knowledge:
I don't really remember all but i remember:
Of worldguard i don't remember much:
//region define
//region addowner
//region flag
//region setparent
//region removeowner

I have been playing KaiseCraft for about a month and i play for 4 hours a day,somethimes even more(on weekends up to 8 hours).I live in Croatia so my tome zone is kind of different so i am online when other moderator are not.There are many players from Croatia so i will be ablle to help them when no other staff is on.Summer is coming up so i will be on the computer even more and i guess there will be even more players.I don't really play much at survival because i really like to be creative and build stuff so being a moderator will make it easier for me to build and i will always be happy to help others.

Activity before Kaisecraft:
At first i started playing in a Croatian server which the name i don't remember but i wasn't a staff rank i was a Builder,after i started to play in Jessuocraft a month after it was opened,i got to the moderator rank so i learned to protect and some WorldEdit.I passed trought many server and i did not like them,i like Kaisecraft because it is really similar to Jessuocraft.

Old kaisecraft:
I'm sorry that i didn't have the opportunity to play at old Kaisecraft.But if it is important for the players i noticed that there are many players from Jessuo and i am the one of a few that suggested to play on Kaise on the facebook site of Jessuocraft which is still on.

Activity after kaisecraft:
Since i started to play on Kaise i didn't stop :) I really like the server so i decided that i will stop looking for other servers and play ond Kaisecraft because the staff is very nice and it is a cool server.I really like the hunger games so if i get mod i might start some hunger games on kaise(if i get support of the other staff)

Forums knowledge:
I have no knowledge at forums because Jessuo had an Facebook "forum" so it's a little bit different on web pages.
i know that the applications need to be gramatically correct and it is not a joke it has to be serious.
I will be happy to comment on the posts for my Support and I won't be too strickt.

I have a lot of friends on the server and i always give information when a "guest" asks :)
I like helping people and i never ignore anyone.I have a lot of friends and i sold a lot of houses for a really cheap price so i thing i have  positive toughts of other players on the server.I chat with a lot of people i always play together with my friends i invite a lot of my friends and we play together.I build houses together with people because i like building.I am never rude i just know to be annoying.I don't really grief,i got a report but it was not really me it was someone else that got into my acc and stole my god armor.I often join groups of people in a house because i like to be in company.

Additional Information:
I live in Fažana,Croatia i am 14 years old and i know how to speak English,German,Italian,Serbian and Slovenian.On the servers i know how to worldedit,protect,ban(if necessary) i can create and i have toomany items so it will be easier and i can help the staff for IP's of items.
I love helping people because i get bored when i just walk around i will be online a lot because i love playing,i am never "grounded" so i will always be able to play.I am a honored student that means i have a high report card so my parents allow me to play as long as i want.

ban report:
i know that many staff members will denie me because i got banned for griefing,but as i said before that was not me.That is the actual reason why i switched account.And if you guys don't believe me i am sorry.

my builds:
I made a lot of builds,made houses inside the mountain i know how to use redstone i paid very much for my World-res(Warp:World-res) and i have a really nice designs,i don't make box houses i make them like real houses.

My Staff reputation:
I know that i am a bit boring and annoying so i know that will make an affection on this application but i hope you guys accept me because i really want to be one of the treasures Staff. Thank you for revieving. :)



I already said that i got hcked or something to my acc i didn't do it.....


You got banned, and the app is short.

-No support

Signature by: TriickyzTrix


Quote from: HanSolo on April 05, 2013, 04:39:08 AM
You got banned, and the app is short.

-No support

Same as HanSolo

- No Support, sorry


After talking with you, changed my support to neutral (On Croatian: Sorry, ne mogu samo support promijenit iz: Ne podržavam u Podržavam, takodjer neznas ni osnovne naredbe)


Signature by: TriickyzTrix


Hacked or not, I believe the grief can be overlooked, but I personally would keep you on a short leash. Just for a while, to see if you really want Mod rank for all the right reasons.

Support   ;D


About to support but after seeing you asking me to look at your app, I take my word back.


I did not ask you i just said if you want :=)


Some more evidence of him still bothering me.


I know that this is third time that I change my opinion, but after a lot of thinking I think that you can possibly be a good mod, but there is a lot that you gotta learn. And I see that you improved your app, and its seem decent now

-Somewhat support

(And about Leons posts, ik how hard is to wait for decision, but I still don't think that begging is good)

Signature by: TriickyzTrix


Quote from: HanSolo on April 05, 2013, 07:52:06 AM
I know that this is third time that I change my opinion, but after a lot of thinking I think that you can possibly be a good mod, but there is a lot that you gotta learn. And I see that you improved your app, and its seem decent now

-Somewhat support

(And about Leons posts, ik how hard is to wait for decision, but I still don't think that begging is good)
I don't really mind if someone asks me to look at their app but when I express my thoughts telling me to delete the post is kinda annoying.


But you never liked me and i didnt ask you for support i dunno why but you started to be bad with me :(


As i told its nothing to be liked about and I'm not being bad to you it's just that you were asking me again and again to "look" at your application.


I asked you once and you started with the pictures but nvm i dont wanna fight :/ ...