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Abuse of mod power!

Started by Random_Hero, April 09, 2013, 06:58:08 AM

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Here's the deal, iLiviDzZ was killed by people from my faction and me and he got angry because of that and also because his plan of robbing us didn't work...So one day he used "/tp" command to teleport to someone from my faction and then he blew up our base. But shortly, we've made a new one(the same day) and then he asked us how do we like our base(reffering to the blown up one) so I told him that we already have made a new and better base. And few minutes after that he just showed up, out of nowhere, in front of me; my guess is by "/tp" so he could mark the position of your new base(or use waypoints, idk) and destroy it, again.....
Sooo yeah, I think that shouldn't be allowed without the other persons permission!!!
So if you could do something about that, I'd appreciate it :D
The Evil Never Dies, It Just Evolves...


Peace is a lie, there is only passion.
Through passion, I gain strength.
Through strength, I gain power.
Through power, I gain victory.
Through victory, my chains are broken.
The Force shall free me.


Actually, i was going to join your faction with no intentions of stealing. It just so happened that a Sr.Mod was killed by an God item which was used by yourself. I joined your faction to see if i could find any more good items which might have been stored there. I didn't get angry when you killed me because i had nothing to lose.

The second time, i joined the server and i tpa'd to Blarno because i thought he was at his base. He accepted and he was at your faction base, i decided to tnt it. I politely asked when you joined the server if you had liked your base. I then tp to you with curiosity of your new base. I had not intentions of destroying it or anything. I then ran away, but whilst doing so i experienced a lot of lag enough to lag me out of the server. When i rejoined, Random_Hero was already upon me waiting till the moment when i had re-spawned. Then i was getting a little annoyed because i had no lag before i was near you.
poop comes out of my butt


Yeah, you could have used the excuse of "curiosity" to mark my base positions and then come back later when I'm not on.....
The Evil Never Dies, It Just Evolves...


Quote from: Random_Hero on April 09, 2013, 07:39:51 AM
Yeah, you could have used the excuse of "curiosity" to mark my base positions and then come back later when I'm not on.....
Okay, so why exactly would a moderator lie to you?


Regardless of anything that happened here, ANY Kind of teleportation is not allowed in Survival. iLiviDzZ can you please refrain from using any kind of TPing and warping in survival, And remind other mods too.
Skype: kaiwaugh1
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